Rabbi Pinchas Teitz’s Civil Rights Polo Grounds Speech
Mr. Chairman, Reverend Clergy, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: I have the great honor to bring you greetings and blessings from the highest rabbinic tribunal in the world, the Union of...
Jun 11, 2020
By OU Staff

Tiny First Temple Seal Impression Found with Name of...
A minuscule 7th century BCE clay sealing reading “Belonging to Adoniyahu, the Royal Steward,” was recently discovered in the City of David’s sifting project. In earth excavated from the foundations of...
Sep 11, 2019
By Times of Israel

Meet the Non-Jew Who Made Daf Yomi Possible
On Shabbat, Parashat Balak, July 20, Jews all over the world will be one step closer to completing the thirteenth cycle of the Babylonian Talmud by completing tractate Erchin in the...
Jul 17, 2019
By Dr. Henry Abramson

The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann: Its Drastic...
In a special live presentation at the OU Israel Center, Rabbi Weil describes the capture and trial of Adolf Eichmann and the trial’s far-reaching consequences for the Jewish and Global community....
Mar 14, 2019
By Rabbi Steven Weil

A Shabbat to Remember – 80 Years Since Kristallnacht
This Shabbat (November 9-10) will mark 80 years since Kristallnacht, the ‘Night of the Broken Glass,’ when the Nazis destroyed hundreds of synagogues and thousands of Jewish businesses. Below are some...
Nov 8, 2018
By OU Staff

An Introduction to Archaeology and Tanakh
There have been extensive archaeological excavations conducted in the Middle East during the past two hundred years. There are some who seek to marshal evidence from these discoveries to disprove the...
May 29, 2018
By Rabbi Chaim Jachter

There Were Once Jews Here: The ’67 Flight of...
We have been hearing a lot about the war waged by multiple Arab countries against Israel 50 years ago. But there was another war waged by some of those same countries that same...
Jun 12, 2017
By Lucette Lagnado

Jerusalem’s Paratrooper Heroes, Up Close and Personal
Let’s Open Our Sefarim This Yom Yerushalayim On May 16 and 17, 2017, Shlomo Horwitz of Jewish Crossroads conducted interviews with two heroic paratroopers involved in liberating the Kotel on Yom Yerushalayim....
May 22, 2017
By Shlomo Horwitz

The Modern-Day Maccabbees: Relive Entebbe 1976
2016 represents the 40th anniversary of the Israel Defense Force’s miraculous rescue of over 100 hostages whose Paris bound Air France Airbus was hijacked by cruel terrorists. After their heroic return,...
Dec 22, 2016
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Mystery surrounds mistake-filled 300-year-old siddur found in UK
LONDON — A British academic has discovered a rare, handwritten translation of a siddur, or prayer book, in a collection in a Manchester library — and clues in the volume point...
Jul 27, 2016
By Jenni Frazer
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