Health 366 articles

With health, there are no divisions: physical, emotional, mental – they’re all intertwined. And caring for each of them is of utmost importance. Here’s how to do just that, and make the most of your life.

The Self Destruction Button (Part I)
The Self Destruction Button (Part I)
It’s hard to imagine that anyone in this day and age doesn’t know what it takes to achieve health and wellness. We are flooded with health information and statistics and we...
Jan 29, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
These Are Our Children: Childhood Obesity Epidemic
These Are Our Children: Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Even if you weren’t aware of the fact that there is a childhood obesity epidemic, you certainly can look around and see for yourself.  In the 1960’s in the United States,...
Jan 22, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge and Prevention
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge...
Anna’s aunt was 35 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy.  Anna’s great-grandmother had breast cancer before turning 50.  Anna knew that these facts...
Jan 9, 2014
By graberb
Let’s Make Some Sense Out of This!
Let’s Make Some Sense Out of This!
Every so often, a piece of breaking health news sweeps the media and reaches the public through every major news network.  A couple of weeks ago, the following headline began rapidly...
Jan 7, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Don’t Let It Get You Down
Don’t Let It Get You Down
Whether you’re a moderate walker or a high intensity exerciser, there is no doubt that if you have been exercising long enough you have encountered some type of injury. Sometimes, it...
Dec 24, 2013
By Alan Freishtat
Winter Vegetables
Winter Vegetables
Whoever said that white after Labor Day is a no obviously wasn’t referring to winter white root vegetables. Immediately, potatoes, cauliflower and onions come to mind. But how can we not...
Dec 18, 2013
By Eileen Goltz
Arranging the Environment for Success
Arranging the Environment for Success
With Chanuka but a few weeks behind us, I am reminded of something I heard in a shiur over Chanukah.  If you look carefully at the Al HaNissim T’fillah, we say that...
Dec 10, 2013
By Alan Freishtat
The Successful Failure
The Successful Failure
Many of you surely remember the 1960s, when the United States and the Soviet Union were embroiled in the space race.  As we all know, the USA won, eventually landing a man...
Dec 3, 2013
By Alan Freishtat
The “Pareve” Controversy (Trans Fats)
The “Pareve” Controversy (Trans Fats)
Since the 1980’s, a very popular ingredient in Kosher cooking has been margarine. Margarine can transform kugels, cakes and desserts into creamy, pareve delights. Although margarine and shortening are staples in...
Nov 26, 2013
By Alan Freishtat
I’m Digitally Distracted
I’m Digitally Distracted
We’ve all been there. You are at a Chassidic concert, the singer and orchestra are singing a beautiful song lifting your Neshoma to new heights, and then all of a sudden, you hear a...
Nov 19, 2013
By Alan Freishtat

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