Health 366 articles

With health, there are no divisions: physical, emotional, mental – they’re all intertwined. And caring for each of them is of utmost importance. Here’s how to do just that, and make the most of your life.

Try to Remember
Try to Remember
Memories!  We all have them.  Some are very pleasant and some are not, but our brains were made to remember.   Often times you might reminisce about things from your childhood,...
Nov 25, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Getting Ready for Winter
Getting Ready for Winter
It seems that winter has made an early appearance this year. With temperatures running below normal and wind and rain making it difficult to get out and exercise, we need to...
Nov 20, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and a Cure: Part III
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and a Cure: Part III
In part one and part two of this series, we discussed different types of diabetes, how you get type 2 diabetes and how type 2 diabetes can cause a host of...
Nov 11, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and Cure: Part II
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and Cure: Part II
In part one of this series on diabetes we discussed different types of the disease, how you get type 2 diabetes and how type 2 diabetes can cause a host of...
Nov 5, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and Cure: Part I
Type 2 Diabetes-Prevention, Management, and Cure: Part I
A longtime client of mine is a personal trainer who enjoys exercise, yet travels a lot and does not have a balanced diet or maintain a regular exercise program. A few...
Oct 29, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Starting Over Again
Starting Over Again
The holidays are over! The days of awe are behind us and we have moved out of the sukkah and back into our homes. Our schedules are returning to normal. The...
Oct 21, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Tips for Your Pre- and Post-Yom Kippur Fast
Tips for Your Pre- and Post-Yom Kippur Fast
When I speak with my clients about fasting, I often hear, “I get so sick when I have to fast” or “I start out fine but I get a terrible headache,”...
Sep 29, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Recovery Time
Recovery Time
Exercise is important—it is vital to our health, but we already know that. But just as important is our recovery time in between our exercise sessions. You may have experienced what...
Sep 23, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Harnessing your Willpower
Harnessing your Willpower
When you want to make a change and improve your healthy habits, it’s relatively easy to access the “how to” information to make those changes. I sit with people day after...
Sep 16, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Eat Some Fat!
Eat Some Fat!
For the past 40 years, the “public enemy number one” of food has been fat. We spend billions of dollars per year on low-fat foods, fake-fat chips, pills that block the...
Sep 11, 2014
By Alan Freishtat

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