Health 366 articles

With health, there are no divisions: physical, emotional, mental – they’re all intertwined. And caring for each of them is of utmost importance. Here’s how to do just that, and make the most of your life.

That Time of Year Again
Here we are in the midst of the month of Elul. It’s a time of teshuva and reflection and it is also a time of preparation. We are all focusing now...
Sep 2, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
Diabetes Myths, Realities and a Beef Skillet Supper
Diabetes Myths, Realities and a Beef Skillet Supper
Listen to Linda’s Food Talk show on! So many of us are touched by diabetes – either through friends, families or ourselves. Wherever I go to promote my latest book...
Aug 27, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer
Using Your Intuition
Using Your Intuition
The definition of intuition is a phenomenon of the mind, describing the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason. Sometimes a coach or psychologist might have a...
Aug 25, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
The Metabolic Boost Part II
The Metabolic Boost Part II
In last week’s column, we defined metabolism, discussed the benefits of raising one’s resting metabolic rate and highlighted the ways in which having a higher muscle mass boosts metabolism. Below are...
Aug 20, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
Incorporating TLC Into Your Day
Incorporating TLC Into Your Day
It’s been a very interesting few weeks in my office. My office staff and I get great satisfaction when we see our clients succeed in changing their health, and life around...
Aug 5, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
To Win the Battle of the Bulge
To Win the Battle of the Bulge
We all know how difficult it is to lose weight. We all know the dangers of being overweight and we all know it just how lousy it feels. Research shows that...
Jul 30, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
Foods that Fight Aging
Foods that Fight Aging
I awoke this morning only to discover a new wrinkle, an unwelcome addition with far too many friends to count.  Aging is a natural phenomenon in a human lifecycle.  It cannot...
Jul 29, 2015
By Aliza Beer
Don’t Be Late—Preventative Measures
Don’t Be Late—Preventative Measures
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t see someone who has one of the classic adult diseases—I’m referring to diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. In many...
Jul 22, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
Keeping the Weight Off During Summer Vacation
Adina has been a long time client who is always watching her weight very carefully.  Even during the chagim, she holds her own and barely gains weight.  But Adina has one...
Jul 16, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
Using Nutrition and Exercise for Stress
Using Nutrition and Exercise for Stress
Baruch recently came to see me to talk about an exercise program. Baruch isn’t overweight at all. However, he had been “foggy” for an extended period of time and was having...
Jul 7, 2015
By Alan Freishtat

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