Recipes 330 articles


Hearty Dishes for Hearty Appetites
Hearty Dishes for Hearty Appetites
With winter approaching, hearty foods are satisfying and delicious. Pea Zucchini Soup 6 servings A lovely thick soup of Italian origin, this recipe calls for non-seasonal ingredients. The soup freezes well...
Dec 8, 2008
By Helen Nash
Apple Fluden
Apple Fluden
Ingredients: Dough: 2 cups Flour ½ teaspoon Salt 2/3 cup Pareve margarine 1/3 to ½ cup Orange Juice Filling: 1 cup raisins 3 cups apples; peeled, cored and sliced ¼ cup...
Oct 17, 2008
By Shelomo Dobkin
Stuffed Cabbage
Stuffed Cabbage
Core and freeze a head of Cabbage for about a week. Defrost on the counter overnight. This will wilt the leaves and make them easy to work with. Peel off the...
Oct 6, 2008
By Harvey Pearlman, The KITCHENer Rebbe
The Flavor of Fall
The Flavor of Fall
After the light foods of summer, more wholesome fare may be appealing with the coming of fall. Eggplant Relish 4 servings Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that can be prepared in...
Sep 20, 2008
By Helen Nash
Here is a recipe I’ve made numerous times for Mousaka. Ingredients: 2 medium eggplants Oil for frying Meat Sauce: 1 medium onion, chopped 1 lb. ground beef 1 teaspoon crushed Garlic ½ teaspoon...
Aug 28, 2008
By Harvey Pearlman, The KITCHENer Rebbe
Try this one out – Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon Margarine 1½ teaspoons vegetable oil 1 chicken, about 3 lbs. each, cut into serving pieces 3 carrots, cooked, cut into 1 inch pieces...
Aug 27, 2008
By Shelomo Dobkin
You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato: Recipes From Garden to Table
You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato: Recipes From Garden...
Like its nightshade relatives, the eggplant and potato, it was once thought to be poisonous. The French named it pomme d’amour (love apple) and considered it an aphrodisiac. Really a fruit,...
Jul 17, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! And Apple Pie…
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! And Apple Pie…
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! Flag-waving! It’s our nation’s birthday, and celebrating the Fourth of July with any of the above is as American as apple pie. But is our beloved classic dessert...
Jul 3, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Korach: Lands of Milk & Honey, Recipes With Both
Korach: Lands of Milk & Honey, Recipes With Both
The expression ‘a land of milk and honey’ appears in the Torah, with only one exception, in reference to the Land of Israel. That exception is found in our parsha; Datan...
Jun 26, 2008
By Chef Yochanan Lambiase with Adam Neustrader
Quickie Pasta and Grain Salads
This week’s column will focus on some really nice, simple and healthy side dishes that can be used any time of year, for Shabbos or weekday. These “sides” are an excellent...
Jun 26, 2008
By Tamar Ansh

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