Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

Russian Cole Slaw
Russian Cole Slaw
In regards to the Russian Cole Slaw, Kirbies would be the best type of cucumber to use. As for the other ingredients, all you left out was the mayo and lemon...
Jan 30, 2008
By Harvey Pearlman, The KITCHENer Rebbe
Sensational Dairy-Free Desserts
Sensational Dairy-Free Desserts
More than 50 million Americans are lactose-intolerant, including cookbook author Penny Wantuck Eisenberg, author of AMAZING DAIRY-FREE DESSERTS (Surris Books, $24.95 U.S.). Penny Eisenberg has been a caterer and cooking instructor...
Jan 23, 2008
By Norene Gilletz, The Flavor of Memory
Cooking With Fruit, For Tu B’Shevat
Cooking With Fruit, For Tu B’Shevat
With the month of Shevat here, and Tu B’Shevat soon to come, we will take a look at some different ways to serve fruits; included are two delicious salads and two...
Jan 10, 2008
By Tamar Ansh
Of Schalets and Cholent and Kugels and Charlottes
Of Schalets and Cholent and Kugels and Charlottes
Schalet, cholent, kugel, charlotte – any connection? My book tour brought me to Cincinnati, where my fifteen minutes of fame consisted of an interview – yes, fifteen minutes – on Cincinnati...
Dec 27, 2007
By Judy Bart Kancigor
A Passion For Baking
A Passion For Baking
Marcy Goldman has a true “passion for baking” – which also happens to be the title of her latest cookbook. Goldman, a Montreal-based cookbook author, is well-known for her previous books,...
Dec 20, 2007
By Norene Gilletz
Cholent Mix
Cholent Mix
Rather then going out and buying a bag of each (red kidney beans, Barley, Navy Beans ETC which are used to make Chulent, some companies sell a bag of “Chulent Mix”...
Dec 18, 2007
By Shelomo Dobkin
Kid-Friendly Food
Kid-Friendly Food
Experts agree that getting kids into the kitchen teaches them math through measurements, nutrition through food selection, and independence through increased skills – all with the added bonus of parents and...
Dec 13, 2007
By Norene Gilletz
Warm Winter Dishes
Warm Winter Dishes
Bean and Roasted Tomato Soup 10 servings This is a hearty winter soup that can be made a few days ahead and will keep either refrigerated or frozen. Ingredients: ½ lb. small...
Dec 2, 2007
By Helen Nash
Feeding the Chanukah Gathering
Feeding the Chanukah Gathering
With 8 whole days of Chanukah looming ahead, here are some holiday ideas for you to try out. They are great for Chanukah parties or get-togethers with family and friends, or...
Nov 29, 2007
By Tamar Ansh
Hanukkah Comes Early This Year, And the Potato Latkes Are Ready
Hanukkah Comes Early This Year, And the Potato Latkes...
Hanukkah comes early this year. You know that old joke? Jewish holidays are either early or late – they never come on time! The highlight, of course, was our Hanukkah party....
Nov 21, 2007
By Judy Bart Kancigor

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