Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

Yapchik (AKA Polish Cholent)
Yapchik (AKA Polish Cholent)
I guess we learn something new every day.It was new to me…YABADABADOooo I came across this recipe which I modified a little. I can’t wait to make it myself. Probably this...
Jun 20, 2008
By Harvey Pearlman, The KITCHENer Rebbe
Categorizing Romanian Food
Categorizing Romanian Food
Here is some info I dug up. Perhaps it will shed some light on your question. Romania has had influence from both invaders and neighbors where its traditional cuisine is concerned....
Jun 19, 2008
By Shelomo Dobkin
Special Cakes for Special Occasions
Special Cakes for Special Occasions
Can't seem to find the right cake for the occasion? Forget the bakery and make a one-of-a-kind dessert yourself.
Jun 18, 2008
By Adina Hershberg
The Aromas of Backyard Barbecues
In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge recommended the celebration of Father’s Day, but it wasn’t until 1972, during the Nixon administration, that it was signed into law as an official national holiday....
Jun 12, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Shavuot Can Be a Picnic
Shavuot Can Be a Picnic
Creating a menu for Shavuot can literally be a picnic. We’ve counted our Omer and now the fun begins! Food for the holiday should be happy, healthy and beautiful. We have...
Jun 5, 2008
By Debby Segura
Shavuot Is Always Dairy Delicious
Shavuot Is Always Dairy Delicious
Shavuot, which begins this year at sundown on June 8th, celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot has been celebrated as an agricultural festival since the times of...
Jun 4, 2008
By Norene Gilletz
Summertime Specialities
Summertime Specialities
With the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, I am always inspired to try out new recipes during summer. I hope you will be, too! Salmon Tartar 6 appetizer servings I...
Jun 1, 2008
By Helen Nash
Tastes of the Shuk, With a Glass (or two?) of Wine
Tastes of the Shuk, With a Glass (or two?)...
Mahane Yehuda is also known as The Shuk, because it’s the largest shuk in Jerusalem. The Shuk is always a hub of excitement from the moment it opens its stalls. Every...
May 29, 2008
By Chef Yochanan Lambiase with Adam Neustrader
A Kugel, A  Kiegel, A Yerushalmi Kugel
A Kugel, A Kiegel, A Yerushalmi Kugel
Jewish cooks are very territorial about their kugels. You bind noodles with eggs, enrich them with fat (butter, margarine, chicken fat, or oil), pepper the mixture with an endless variety of...
May 28, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Just Like Bubba Made
An attempt to "recipe-ify" delicious, homemade, instinctive cooking.
May 22, 2008
By Ann Goldberg

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