Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

Corn Bread
Corn Bread
To celebrate what I hope will be the last little bit of snow this winter, I made a big ole pot of chili.  The only thing I like better than a...
Apr 2, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
When I was in cooking school those many many years ago I learned to value the power of the “sauce.” I was taught that there were five “mother” sauces. These five...
Mar 27, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Fresh Herbs
Fresh Herbs
Anytime I talk about spring and planting a garden my friends and family laugh hysterically, roll their eyes and pray for my poor plants whose fate is preordained. They know that...
Mar 27, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Pre-Pesach Cleaning Recipes
Pre-Pesach Cleaning Recipes
Right after Purim is the time of year when we make those momentous, wake-up-from-the-dead-of-winter, OMG-4-weeks-to-Pesach cleaning decisions. Truthfully, it’s not always about what to clean but rather what to keep and...
Mar 12, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Jews around the world- prepare to get your celebration mode in gear, it’s time for Purim! Head to your nearest synagogue, crank up your gregers and get ready to drown out...
Mar 5, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Salad is a big part of Pesach and I guess you could call me a lettuce peasant.  I like iceberg. I know- all you salad greens snobs are now rolling your...
Feb 28, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Savory Shallots
Savory Shallots
I wrote one simple column on leeks and within 24 hours of it being published, I received four emails asking why I had not written about shallots because they’re more interesting,...
Feb 19, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Not Your Average PB&J
Not Your Average PB&J
Admit it- there are times when all you really want to eat is a PB&J sandwich.  I know we all tend to relegate peanut butter and jelly to lunch boxes and...
Feb 19, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Cooking with Leeks
Cooking with Leeks
While asparagus tends to be one of the most called upon vegetables during Pesach, sometimes the price and availability make them just one more of the tres tres tres expensive items...
Feb 5, 2014
By Eileen Goltz
Best Pesach Recipe Substitute List
Best Pesach Recipe Substitute List
At some point during Pesach preparations, we’ve all tried to convert a mainstream recipe into a Pesach one only to discover that we don’t have a clue as to what to...
Feb 5, 2014
By Eileen Goltz

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