Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

Father’s Day
Father’s Day
Slice of Life By Eileen Goltz Growing up the only time my dad cooked was when it was barbeque time. This is not to say that my dad was a good barbeque-er...
Jul 29, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
Cold (Fruit) Soups
Cold (Fruit) Soups
Every year around this time I start getting calls for cold soups. Could be the 100+ temperatures we’re getting, could be the plethora of melons and berries that are so cheap...
Jul 29, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
Meatless Menus for the Nine Days
Meatless Menus for the Nine Days
Still worried what you will feed your family during the Nine Days? Here are more recipes from popular kosher bloggers that are sure to keep perspectives on mourning for the right...
Jul 16, 2015
By Batya Rosner
No Meat? No Problem! Great Dairy Recipes for The Nine Days
No Meat? No Problem! Great Dairy Recipes for The...
As we spiritually prepare for Tisha B’Av—some of us are concerned how to gastronomically prepare for The Nine Days. Don’t worry, you can satiate your palate without meat. We’ve reached out...
Jul 7, 2015
By Batya Rosner
Becoming Freezer-Friendly Savvy
Becoming Freezer-Friendly Savvy
Not getting a chance to eat through all those vegetables you bought at the supermarket? Put them in the freezer, they’ll still be good (after defrosting) for almost a year. Fruit...
Jun 3, 2015
By Batya Rosner
Not Your Bubby’s Wine
Not Your Bubby’s Wine
Hip, edgy, and the only of its kind on the shelves, Ralph’s company L’Chaim Kosher Wine is definitely not your Bubby’s wine, but it’s certainly worthy of her table. Phrases like...
Jun 1, 2015
By Batya Rosner
How Accurate is that Food Label?
How Accurate is that Food Label?
There is hardly a week that passes that my dietitians and I don’t hear about how healthy someone thinks they are eating. After all, they tell us, I am careful to...
May 20, 2015
By Alan Freishtat
The Jewish Origins of Kentucky Bourbon
The Jewish Origins of Kentucky Bourbon
There’s a fine art to creating a liquor brand. It involves convincing people to buy booze with stories crafted around popular notions of heritage and legacy. Today’s drinkers are familiar with...
May 13, 2015
By OU Staff
Syrian Food with Naomi Ross
Syrian Food with Naomi Ross
Apr 22, 2015
By Stephen Savitsky
The Challah Mystique
The Challah Mystique
I certainly didn’t start my weekly tradition of baking challah due to a lack of kosher bakeries in my neighborhood. Living in the Five Towns (Long Island, NY), one could safely say...
Mar 9, 2015
By Miriam L. Wallach

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