Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

Diabetes-Friendly Dinner the Whole Family Will Love!
Diabetes-Friendly Dinner the Whole Family Will Love!
My friend, an art teacher, called me in tears. Her husband had just been diagnosed with type II diabetes. She spent an hour with a dietitian at the hospital, but still...
Sep 1, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer
Cheesecake: Do I Need an Excuse?
Cheesecake: Do I Need an Excuse?
Shavuot is the time when we celebrate the giving of the Torah, but like so many other Jewish holidays, there’s a food component too. This is the “dairy” holiday. Visions of...
Sep 1, 2015
By Ronnie Fein
Spring Strawberries
Spring Strawberries
When April comes you can smell the strawberries from a few feet away. The fruit fills the produce section’s air with a sweet fragrance reminiscent of spun sugar. Perfume-y wisps dance...
Sep 1, 2015
By Ronnie Fein
Fast Food Jacques Pepin’s Way
Fast Food Jacques Pepin’s Way
Fast food from a celebrity French Chef? Yes. Television mega star and French chef, Jacques Pepin talked about his book and TV series “Fast Food My Way” on my recently interviewed...
Aug 31, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer
Dishing It Up For Mom
Dishing It Up For Mom
It’s kind of a self-serving gift. You give your mother a cookbook for Mother’s Day and who benefits, Mom or you? Once upon a time cooking the family meal was just...
Aug 31, 2015
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Vegetarian Cholent with Tofu
Vegetarian Cholent with Tofu
Tamar Ansh, Columnist – Nutritious and Delicious says: I make a sort of stew, but I never left it on the blech overnight. If I was trying to make a...
Aug 31, 2015
By Michael Krondl
What’s For Dinner? Or Lunch. In Israel – An Interview With Janna Gur
What’s For Dinner? Or Lunch. In Israel – An...
Janna Gur is the founder and editor of Al Hashulchan (“On the Table”), a leading Israeli food and wine magazine, and author of “The Book of New Israeli Food: A Culinary...
Aug 31, 2015
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Chef Daniel Boulud’s Sunday Supper
Chef Daniel Boulud’s Sunday Supper
Listen to Linda’s Food Talk show on! Do you ever wonder what celebrity chefs cook at home? That’s the question I asked Daniel Boulud. He’s considered one of the top...
Aug 31, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer
Yom Ha’atzmaut: The Flavors of Freedom
Yom Ha’atzmaut: The Flavors of Freedom
I wonder what there is about celebrating a national independence day that makes us all want to cook outside! In Israel, grilled and barbecued meats and poultry are as popular for...
Aug 31, 2015
By Faye Levy
Yom Ha’atzmaut: A Gastronomic Celebration
Yom Ha’atzmaut: A Gastronomic Celebration
Jews in America, and the world over, celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut (this year on Wednesday, April 29, 2009), which marks Israel’s birth as an independent, free nation. This year Israel will be...
Aug 31, 2015
By Ronnie Fein

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