Food 586 articles

Some people make food, others simply eat it, and a fair few stand in awe of it. This section is for all of the above individuals, with pieces that appeal to every palette.

The old saying “you say tomato I say tomatoe” is never more true than in the foodie realm of stuffed dough pockets. In some cultures they’re called calzones, other empanadas or...
Sep 7, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
What is buttermilk? Does buttermilk contain butter? Inquiring minds want to know. So many people labor under the misconception that buttermilk is a buttery, high-fat milk-ly drink. Nope, surprise, surprise there...
Sep 7, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
Good Ol’ Okra
Good Ol’ Okra
If you happen to be traveling the back roads of Alabama the last week in August you’ll certainly want to make a stop at the Okra Festival held every year in...
Sep 7, 2015
By Renee Chernin
Whole Grain For the Whole Family
Whole Grain For the Whole Family
Most whole grain recipes call for whole wheat flour. But I have come to notice kids don’t like the taste. So I began to experiment with other whole grains. I found...
Sep 7, 2015
By Albert Bijou, Back to Nature
Summer Reading, Summer Eating
Summer Reading, Summer Eating
They call it summer reading, but if you’re like me, you don’t need a season to open a book. Some credit Oprah with starting the phenomenon, but, according to Rachel Jacobsohn,...
Sep 7, 2015
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Breaking the Fast with a Fast Trip Across the Street, Chicago Style
Breaking the Fast with a Fast Trip Across the...
You think you have a big crowd coming to your house to break the Yom Kippur fast? Not compared to my friend Marsha, you don’t. This September, Marsha and her husband,...
Sep 7, 2015
By Norene Gilletz
Mediterranean Heat
Mediterranean Heat
I returned recently from a cruise in the Mediterranean, plump and exhausted. It was one of those it’s-Thursday-it-must-be-Istanbul kind of vacations. The kind of trip where the passengers squeeze each day...
Sep 7, 2015
By Michael Krondl
Summer Tomatoes
Summer Tomatoes
Tomatoes have had a love-me, love-me-not sort of history. Thousands of years ago the fruit grew wild in its native Peru, where no one gave it much notice. It was some...
Sep 7, 2015
By Ronnie Fein
Veggies: To Go!
Veggies: To Go!
(or how to eat well, eat smart and stay PARVE) Maybe it’s the month of Av that got me thinking in terms of Non-Meat suppers. Or the heat of summer. Then...
Sep 7, 2015
By Debby Segura
Sauteed Chicken: It’s All in the Sizzle
Sauteed Chicken: It’s All in the Sizzle
Like so many other ingredients, these lean, white meat chicken portions are terrific when grilled, but sautéing is a good alternative when you’re not in the mood to cook outdoors. Sautéing...
Sep 6, 2015
By Ronnie Fein

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