Cooking 229 articles


Pesach Recipe Substitutes
Pesach Recipe Substitutes
Please note: Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer. The Orthodox Union makes no endorsements or representations regarding kashrut certification of various products/vendors referred to in her articles, blog, or...
Apr 13, 2011
By Eileen Goltz
Slice of Life, Passover
Slice of Life, Passover
Please note: Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer. The Orthodox Union makes no endorsements or representations regarding kashrut certification of various products/vendors referred to in her articles, blog, or...
Mar 30, 2011
By Eileen Goltz
Chicken Soup Sinkers
Chicken Soup Sinkers
Passover’s just around the corner and in an effort to wrap my head around the enormity of renovating, cause let’s face it, getting rid of every scrap of “chametz” is a...
Mar 25, 2009
By Sarah Arbess
Gazpacho Without Tomato Juice
Gazpacho Without Tomato Juice
You can cook some of your extra tomatoes and puree in a food processor leaving out the salt, and adding water to thin it out. Now you have salt free tomato...
Mar 12, 2009
By Harvey Pearlman, The KITCHENer Rebbe
Cunning General, Hidden Empress
Cunning General, Hidden Empress
Purim, and disguise the limit! Tradition has us featuring costumes relating to the characters named in the Megillah (The, ummm… err… extensive and quite thorough… story of Purim) as hiding the...
Mar 3, 2009
By Brian Mailman
A Traditional Purim Feast. Brought Up to Date.
A Traditional Purim Feast. Brought Up to Date.
When Jayne Cohen and her sister returned home after their grandmother had passed away, they were determined to recreate the holiday dishes they had grown up on. But neither had ever...
Mar 3, 2009
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Purim Party Kebabs
Purim Party Kebabs
Purim Party Kabobs for 4 or 40: Walnut Crusted Tuna Kabobs with Onion and Pepper Rice Are you having a Purim Party or just looking for an easy weeknight dinner? These...
Mar 2, 2009
By Linda Gassenheimer
Purim: Large Foods for Large Crowds
Purim: Large Foods for Large Crowds
Hello, Have taken upon myself to make a Purim Seuda for 40 people BE”H. Never done that before. Any suggestions for a great seuda – things that taste great, look fantastic...
Mar 1, 2009
By Debby Segura
Purim: The Poppy Seed Connection
Purim: The Poppy Seed Connection
During my years at elementary school at the Hebrew Academy of Washington, DC, I learned that the holiday of Purim commemorates the heroism of Esther, the Jewish wife of the king...
Feb 25, 2009
By Faye Levy
Purim: Fresh Ideas for Mishloach Manot
Purim: Fresh Ideas for Mishloach Manot
Say the word Purim and most of us think “hamantashen.” Nothing wrong with that, both metaphorically and gastronomically. The idea of eating Haman’s hat is a delicious one: not only for...
Feb 25, 2009
By Ronnie Fein

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