Getting the Best out of Our Kids: An ADHD...
Dr. Yitzchak Goldberg doesn’t want you to make an error when it comes to dealing with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), or with any children for that matter. “If...
May 14, 2015
By Michael Orbach
Let’s Keep All Our Kids Safe
All children deserve to be safe at school. Yet it turns out that New York City does not provide kids who attend private schools with the same level of protection as...
Apr 13, 2015
By OU Staff
Why I Teach
Rabbi Elie Weismann, Rabbi of the Young Israel of Plainview, speaks about the values of education and educators. By watching, teachers and parents can help think through their roles as conduits...
Apr 1, 2015
By OU Staff
UPK Far From Universal
Reprinted from the March 2015 issue of Mishpacha Magazine “We don’t want the percentage of yeshivah students enrolled going from 11% to 12%, we want it going to 50%” —Maury Litwack...
Mar 9, 2015
By Eytan Kobre
The Complicated Politics of a School-Donation Tax Credit
Of all the plot lines in the 2015 budget process, the fight over a school-donation tax credit may turn out to be the most complicated. The Catholic Church and a broad...
Mar 4, 2015
By OU Staff
Universal Pre-K: De Blasio’s Unfulfilled Promise
Urge Mayor de Blasio to make NYC’s universal pre-K program truly universal – email him now. Urge Mayor de Blasio to make NYC’s universal pre-K program truly universal – email him...
Feb 17, 2015
By OU Staff
When Universal Pre-K is Not Universal
“We will offer every child, from every borough of this city, truly universal, full-day Pre-K.” That was Mayor Bill de Blasio’s promise to the children of New York City one year...
Feb 12, 2015
By OU Staff
No Jew Left Behind
Urge Mayor de Blasio to make NYC’s universal pre-K program truly universal – email him now. In his State of the City last week, Mayor de Blasio bragged of having provided...
Feb 9, 2015
By OU Staff
OU Calls on de Blaiso for Orthodox Jewish Inclusion...
After nearly a year of advocacy, working to ensure that New York City Jewish day schools would be included in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s signature universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) program, OU Advocacy-Teach...
Feb 5, 2015
By Maury Litwack
Jewish Community says Mayor’s Universal Pre-K Leaves them Out
Take action: Tell Mayor de Blasio to make New York City’s universal Pre-K program, truly universal. Morris Tabush spent $11,000 on pre-K for his daughter Valerie last year. He expects to...
Jan 29, 2015
By OU Staff
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