Keeping Your Cool While Cleaning for Pesach
We are now in crunch time. Everyone is thinking about Pesach and starting to get down to work. Tensions are high and it can be hard to keep our cool. Sometimes...
Mar 29, 2016
By Adina Soclof
OU-Advocacy-TeachNYS-Backed Bill for Guards for Non-Public School Expected to...
More than 250,000 kids attend 800 non-public schools across the city and now, thanks to Intro 65, a legislative bill sponsored by Council Member David Greenfield and pushed by OU Advocacy-TeachNYS,...
Dec 3, 2015
By Batya Rosner

A Torah-Infused Winter Break: The OU-JLIC Winter Midrasha Program...
Shoshana Javitt, a junior at University of Maryland’s school of engineering, wanted to infuse her winter break with Torah learning. She heard about the Orthodox Union’s JLIC Winter Midrasha program in...
Nov 17, 2015
By OU Staff
Savitsky Talks: Rabbi Aharon Fried
In this audio segment, Stephen Savitsky, a member of the executive committee of the board of directors for the Orthodox Union, interviews Rabbi Dr. Aharon Fried about better methods to teach our...
Sep 2, 2015
By Stephen Savitsky

Supporting Choice in Education Is A Jewish Value
Education has always been a Jewish priority. The Talmud exhorts us to remember favorably Yehoshua ben Gamla, “for were it not for him, the Torah would have been forgotten by Israel.” Concerned...
Jun 17, 2015
By Jason Bedrick

Why Teachers Deserve Their Summers Off
The school year is practically done. Have you thanked your child’s teacher for the dedication they put into the past ten months of educating your child? If more often than not...
Jun 16, 2015
By OU Staff
Give our Families a Chance
In Judaism, we are accustomed to counting down (or up) toward a deadline: the 49 days of the Omer leading to Shavuot and the Asseret Yemai Teshuvah leading to Yom Kippur,...
Jun 11, 2015
By Maury Litwack and Jeff Leb

Sexual Abuse Prevention: Choosing the Right Words
This article first appeared on the blog for Baltimore Therapy Center. There is a difference of opinions out there as to whether it is important to use the proper names for...
Jun 10, 2015
By Raffi Bilek

Something to Wrap Your Head Around
It’s an educational forum. It’s a skills-building website. It’s a communal sanctuary to discuss the deeper, the spiritual, the real. It’s a sisterhood connector. It’s a morale builder. It gives options...
Jun 4, 2015
By Batya Rosner

A Roaring Good Read
Forget building a buzz around his new book, Rabbi Natan Slifkin is getting a roar. Rabbi Slifkin, author of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom—Volume One: Chayot/Wild Animals, recently visited...
Jun 3, 2015
By OU Staff
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