Community 263 articles

Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes: Orthodox Stalwart (Part I)
Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes: Orthodox Stalwart (Part I)
A three part serious on the extraordinary life of Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes.
Sep 11, 2013
By Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes: Man Of Chesed (Part II)
Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes: Man Of Chesed (Part II)
A three part serious on the extraordinary life of Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes.
Sep 11, 2013
By Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes – Safeguarding Orthodox Judaism (Part III)
Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes – Safeguarding Orthodox Judaism (Part...
A three part serious on the extraordinary life of Reverend Henry Pereira Mendes.
Sep 11, 2013
By Dr. Yitzchok Levine
Eating Disorders in the Jewish Community
Eating Disorders in the Jewish Community
The Jewish community is not immune to the various diet and health misconceptions, pressure to be thin, biological and environmental factors contribute to the rising numbers of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa,...
Aug 30, 2013
By Judah Isaacs
A Shomer Shabbat Hollywood Screenwriter
A Shomer Shabbat Hollywood Screenwriter
Stephen Savitsky speaks with Hollywood screenwriter, Robert Avrech, about the Hollywood culture and what it is like working as a shomer shabbat Jew in such a demanding environment.
Aug 28, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
Helping Teenagers with Special Needs
Helping Teenagers with Special Needs
"In my early childhood, I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome which is on the autistic spectrum. Hashem has given me perhaps more challenges than many other people. Hashem has also given...
Aug 27, 2013
By Nathan Weissler
The Origins of OU Kosher (audio)
The Origins of OU Kosher (audio)
Savitsky talks with Rabbi Aaron Reichel about past OU President Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein's outreach efforts and launching the national OU Kosher Dept.
Jul 29, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
Why Belong to a Shul?
Why Belong to a Shul?
What it means to join a community shul and how you get your "money's worth" with a shul membership.
Jul 17, 2013
By Rabbi Adir Posy
The Birth of Modern Kosher
The Birth of Modern Kosher
Savitsky talks with Timothy Lytonn, author of Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food.
Jul 2, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
Small Acts of Kindness Go A Long Way: Ordinary Orthodox Jews Being Extraordinary
Small Acts of Kindness Go A Long Way: Ordinary...
Two simple stories. Two small acts of kindness performed by Orthodox Jews that wouldn’t be newsworthy if we didn’t bother to tell them. Two acts of kindness within the Jewish community.
Jul 1, 2013
By Allison Josephs

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