Community 263 articles

Magen Yeladim
Magen Yeladim
Last week, our community was privileged to welcome Magen Yeladim’s Safety Kid program to Cleveland. The Los Angeles-based staff, including Debbie Fox, Yair Cohn, and Yelli Koenig, braved the Cleveland weather...
Mar 12, 2014
By Adina Soclof
Savitsky Talks – Interview with YU Basketball Coach Dr. Jonathan Halpert
Savitsky Talks – Interview with YU Basketball Coach Dr....
Steve and Jon discuss Jon’s upcoming book “Are You Still Coaching?” and reflect on Dr. Halpert’s celebrated career as the Basketball coach at Yeshiva University. Savitsky Talks is a weekly 20 minute...
Feb 28, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky
“Letters to President Clinton” Book Launch Event: Pictures and...
At a recent community event hosted by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik at Shearith Israel in New York City, Senator Lieberman, Rabbi Genack, Rabbi Soloveichik and renowned Lincoln scholar, Harold Holzer, talked a range of topics...
Feb 13, 2014
By OU Staff
Infographic: Where Did We Go Wrong?
Infographic: Where Did We Go Wrong?
The Pew Report on American Jewish life has created quite a buzz for the past few months.   What to make of all the numbers? What can we—average people, congregational leadership, communal...
Feb 12, 2014
By Batya Rosner
An Inclusive Job Fair: Would We Not Want That For Everyone?
An Inclusive Job Fair: Would We Not Want That...
In his recent article, “Workplaces for Everyone,” published on, Micah Fleisig writes, “Aside from financial necessities that jobs support, individuals obviously gather more than just money through work. People receive...
Jan 28, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Considering What We Have In Common
Considering What We Have In Common
Her name was Shira. She had bright eyes, long brown hair, and liked to put mustard in her tuna fish sandwiches. I was in the fourth grade when we met, and...
Jan 28, 2014
By Adina Schwarzbaum
Rabbi Weil Interviews the Creators of the “Life is Strange” Documentary
Rabbi Weil Interviews the Creators of the “Life is...
Rabbi Steven Weil chats with Director Yitzi Hertz and Producer Sammy Grundwerg about their new documentary, “Life is Strange.” LIFE IS STRANGE evokes the vibrant life of Jewish families in pre-World War...
Jan 17, 2014
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Beyond Potatoes: Meet the Chief Rabbi of Idaho Falls
Beyond Potatoes: Meet the Chief Rabbi of Idaho Falls
With just a passing glance, you might mistake him for a character on one of Comedy Central’s mock news shows, but take a second look.  You really did just pass the...
Jan 16, 2014
By graberb
Interview with Avi Berman
Listen to Rabbi Avi Berman, director of the OU Israel Center, discuss Aliyah and Anglo life in Israel. Read more about this topic in the upcoming Spring issue of Jewish Action!...
Jan 14, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge and Prevention
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge...
Anna’s aunt was 35 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy.  Anna’s great-grandmother had breast cancer before turning 50.  Anna knew that these facts...
Jan 9, 2014
By graberb

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