Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Bloody or Rare?
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Apr 29, 2009
By Chari Pere

Criticizing Israel
Apr 28, 2009
By Jordan B. Gorfinkel

Parshat Acharei-Kedoshim: Holiness on a Mundane St.
Holy shall you be for holy am I I never really knew what it meant. What it meant to be holy. Holy in thought, holy in speech, holy in action. Of...
Apr 28, 2009
By Mendel Jacobson

Helping Our Soldiers
Apr 27, 2009
By Terry LaBan

In Hebrew, Please
Happy Yom Ha’atzmaut
Apr 23, 2009
By Jordan B. Gorfinkel

Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Pure
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Apr 23, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Sow Pure
The pieces of a broken heart are not easily put back together again. But this is only learned the hard way – through the course of Experience – and I have...
Apr 22, 2009
By Mendel Jacobson

Yom HaShoah: Never Forget
Apr 22, 2009
By Jordan B. Gorfinkel

PHOTO ESSAY: Judah S. Harris Israel Photographs 1983-2008
“It was in Israel that I discovered photography. I had discovered aspects of it at age 13 back in the US, acquiring a Super 8 movie camera with some of my...
Apr 15, 2009
By Judah S. Harris

Parshat Shemini – Clean
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Apr 12, 2009
By Chari Pere
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