Parshat Shemini: Love & Eight
This isn’t a numbers game. And I could give you 1,000 Reasons why and will Therefore give you 0. It isn’t a numbers game But numbers tell the story. (In...
Mar 27, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Tzav: Fortune & Flame
Icicles dangle from eyelashes where Tears used to be. Fingertips and Blue lips being gnawed on by frostbite With an insatiable appetite. Stone-cold hearth’s pop-cycle frozen in time; Diamond stars...
Mar 20, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Vayikra: Beauty and the Priest
A two-legged creature with a four-legged limp Half skips, half stumbles at the fork in the road: A vibrant heart beat to animal bliss; A human mind dulled to an animal...
Mar 11, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Pekudei: An Open Account
These are the accounts… Let me give you an account (Though it is not a bank account It is an account you can bank on) Of a people, individuals who...
Mar 5, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Vayakhel: Assembly Required
It is the morning after and Pieces are spread all over the place Like crystal colliding with a Porcelain floor; or perhaps one of Those ten-thousand-morsel puzzles At the mercy of...
Feb 27, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Ki Tisa: A Golden Calf and a Silver...
They came with all that’s gold; But not all that’s gold glitters. With rings of fire they came – Earrings, bickerings, sufferings – And burnt it all alive. A golden...
Feb 21, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Parshat Tetzaveh: High Fashion
They’ve been around a while. Ever since we became self-conscious Back when we left the Garden, blushing. Those weren’t bought off-the-rack and Neither were they particularly haute or haughty –...
Feb 13, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

Waiting for Daisy
Her best chance to have a child is to carry and nurture the egg of another.
She cannot decide if it's a chance she wants to take.
Feb 6, 2008
By Peggy Orenstein

Painting Her Way From Darkness to Light
Between 1976 and 1983, Argentina was under military rule. During this period, Jews were increasingly targeted for kidnapping and torture by the ruling junta: about 1,000 of the 9,000 known victims...
Jan 10, 2008
By Shelomo Dobkin

Heartfelt Words
She is sad. People talk of dividing her soul in two, of breaking her heart into a million little pieces, of placing her very essence on the cutting board. Do you...
Nov 15, 2007
By Mendel Jacobson
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