Arts & Media 198 articles

Parshat Vayigash: God’s Will
Parshat Vayigash: God’s Will
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Dec 31, 2008
By Chari Pere
Parshat Vayigash: A Poetic Approach to Life
Parshat Vayigash: A Poetic Approach to Life
Some things are beyond approach; The things that are worth it aren’t.   It all really does depend on one’s Approach; a healthy approach will Have healthy consequences; not such A...
Dec 31, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Light That Menorah! Candle Making at Kassel
Light That Menorah! Candle Making at Kassel
  Chanukah commemorates a miracle from ancient times when Jews rededicated a temple and lit candelabra with enough oil to last for one day. The oil miraculously burned for eight days,...
Dec 24, 2008
By Dana Dekel
Parshat Mikeitz: All’s Well That Ends
Parshat Mikeitz: All’s Well That Ends
Let us begin at the end:   All live happily ever after. Beauty, peace and harmony Walk hand in hand, their faces Glowing in the radiant sun shining Forth a blaze...
Dec 24, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Parshat Vayeishev: Settling Words
Parshat Vayeishev: Settling Words
Chaos rages like the perfect storm Without the perfection; everything Helter-skelter, rattling to-and-fro – Off kilter and on edge.   Such is life in the beginning: The mash in ferocious fermentation...
Dec 18, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Parshat Vayishlach: Heaven Sent
Parshat Vayishlach: Heaven Sent
Let us get vertical – Introvertical Extrovertical   An intro to the introvert: A state of static and stigma, Always looking in, too afraid To look out; it is the natural...
Dec 11, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Mourning by Candlelight
Mourning by Candlelight
It is pompous, insensitive and callous to write. But perhaps it is more pompous, more insensitive, more callous not to. Words are most inadequate. Sometimes inadequacy is all we have. This...
Dec 4, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Parshat Vayeitzei: Sum of Departs
Parshat Vayeitzei: Sum of Departs
A journey has many parts; by Studying them we learn and By their implementation we Move forward   Separating the parts from the sum May make the journey a bit easier...
Dec 3, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Parshat Toldot: Of Offspring Off-the-Cuff
Parshat Toldot: Of Offspring Off-the-Cuff
These aren’t the first But these are the first To become a precedent By definition, life must Be alive, lest it not be. Alive means passionate, Meaningful, purposeful, Vibrating and relevant....
Nov 26, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson
Parshat Chayei Sarah: The Poetry of Life
Parshat Chayei Sarah: The Poetry of Life
What is it about Life That gets people breathing Heavy?   Here begins a sentence – A life sentence:   One’s mouth or nostrils may open and Hardly ever close, blowing...
Nov 20, 2008
By Mendel Jacobson

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