Congrats to Center for Communal Research Photo Contest Winner
Congrats to Lior Melnick for winning the Center for Communal Research’s photo contest and $1,000! His winning photo, titled: Eishet Chayil, Will I Find?, was chosen for its creativity, quality, originality...
Feb 13, 2020
By OU Staff

Book Review: The Emoji Haggadah
I recently had occasion to review the Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel, which represents a novel approach to the traditional Seder text. Almost immediately upon completing this task, another unusual take on the...
Mar 26, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

In The Spotlight: Interview with Miriam Wallach
In the Spotlight podcast series introduces Orthodox Jewish women who, in both their personal and professional lives, serve as remarkable role models for our community. In this episode, Rebbetzin Dr. Adina...
Apr 26, 2018
By Rebbitzin Adina Shmidman

Sharing Cultural Treasures of Medieval Judaism
Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibition 500 Years of Treasures from Oxford includes an extraordinary array of manuscripts and printed books seen in America for the first time. These selections from the Corpus Christi College’s...
Jul 13, 2017
By Jacob Wisse
Rabbi Weinreb talks about Rabbi Ben Zion Shenker, z”l
Jan 12, 2017
By Steven Savitsky
Parshat Noach: Enter Avraham
Let us set the scene at the end of Parshat Noah. The world is a mess. Ten generations after a flood destroyed mankind (except for the Noah family), Abraham enters to...
Nov 2, 2016
By Sharon Katz
Children’s Literature in the Orthodox Community – Interview with...
Oct 16, 2015
By Stephen Savitsky

Summer Reading, Summer Eating
They call it summer reading, but if you’re like me, you don’t need a season to open a book. Some credit Oprah with starting the phenomenon, but, according to Rachel Jacobsohn,...
Sep 7, 2015
By Judy Bart Kancigor

Matzah, Matzah… Prunes anyone?
Passover 1975. It seemed like a good idea. I’d introduce the subject of prayer to my religious school class at my local synagogue (Temple Beth Tikvah in Fullerton, CA) by asking...
Aug 27, 2015
By Judy Bart Kancigor

Something to Wrap Your Head Around
It’s an educational forum. It’s a skills-building website. It’s a communal sanctuary to discuss the deeper, the spiritual, the real. It’s a sisterhood connector. It’s a morale builder. It gives options...
Jun 4, 2015
By Batya Rosner
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