Rabbi Eliyahu Fink 23 articles
Rabbi Eliyahu Fink comes from a long line of Rabbis and Jewish Community activists. He attended the Mechina High School of the Ner Israel Rabbinical College and developed a love for learning Torah, questioning Jewish ideas and trying to understand the structure of the Torah lifestyle. Later, as a fellow in Kollel Avodas Levi in Ner Israel, Rabbi Fink studied for Rabbinic Ordination and was ordained in 2005.
He was recruited to work as a Rabbi for the Jewish Awareness Movement on the University of Southern California campus. It was there that he worked especially hard to understand how the Torah system works and began teaching these ideas to whomever was interested. He took about 200 college students on inspiring trips to Israel and New York. He maintains many of those relationships to this very day.
When an opportunity arose in Venice for a part-time rabbi, he took his first pulpit position.
In addition to his work / religious interests, he is a big sports fan, loves technology and social commentary.