Devora Sa'adon, mother of, St. Sgt Hallel Sa'adon, H'YD
Devora Sa'adon, talks about her son, St. Sgt Hallel Sa'adon, H'YD. Hallel was always smiling and loved life. He loved animals and nature. He became a professional horse rider and instructor. He also spent a year of volunteering on a farm as a shepherd for a year before joining the army. He served in the Nachal brigade -his friends and commanders said he was the most professional soldier on the team. On October 7, 2023, when Hallel was under attack near Kibbutz Sufa, everyone had no choice but to retreat to the safe space. Hallel decided not to go in and gave his life to protect his friends instead.
Rabbi Avraham Weinrib of Zichron Eliezer in Cincinnati, OH
Rabbi Avraham Weinrib of Zichron Eliezer in Cincinnati, OH talks about Lt. Col Netanel Yaakov Elkouby H'YD, a father of five children. Rabbi Weinrib describes hearing a recording of Netanel speaking to his soldiers, where he expressed his love for them, displaying his great leadership. Rabbi Weinrib spoke about the importance of making a personal connection to those brave IDF soldiers we have lost in these times of tragedy where the individual stories can otherwise get lost in the vast numbers.
Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union
Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union, explains why the OU embarked on the B'yachad Lanetzach initiative. He discusses how the program was received in different communities and how we should think of and elevate soldiers of the IDF.
Mrs. Yael Schwarzenberger, Ohr Chadash Academy Parent (Baltimore, MD)
Mrs. Yael Schwarzenberger, a parent of students at Ohr Chadash Academy of Baltimore, Maryland, discusses the soldier adopted by their school. Eyal Twito, HY'D, had a special relationship with the students and has inspired them to continue growing in his memory.