Video 1016 articles

Rabbi Weinreb: The OU’s Ot Yomit
Rabbi Weinreb: The OU’s Ot Yomit
Proceed to the OU’s Ot Yomit program here!
Jun 27, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Grief, Guidance, and Growth: Tisha B’av Kinot 5776
Grief, Guidance, and Growth: Tisha B’av Kinot 5776
The Churban happened close to 2000 years ago but the loss continues until today. How do we learn from the churban, how do we move ahead and grow? Click here to watch with...
Jun 25, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rabbi Chaim Ilson: Tisha B’av Kinot 5775 – Part 2
Rabbi Chaim Ilson: Tisha B’av Kinot 5775 – Part...
According to Rav Soloveitchik, Tisha B’Av is about crying. Kinot is supposed to bring us to fully understand the real calamity – the absence of Divine Providence. Click here for part...
Jun 21, 2017
By Rav Chaim Ilson
The Person-to-Person Dimension of the Churban (Tisha B’Av 5769)
The Person-to-Person Dimension of the Churban (Tisha B’Av 5769)
Of the many dimensions to the loss of the Beit HaMikdash the person-to-person aspect that it represents – discord and disharmony is the most tragic and it is this last aspect...
Jun 18, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Struggle and Supplication
Struggle and Supplication
Shiur provided courtesy of Summary by Channie Koplowitz Stein             The holiday we generally refer to as Shavuot has in fact several names each reflecting a different aspect of the...
May 26, 2017
By Shira Smiles
A Paratrooper in Jerusalem
A Paratrooper in Jerusalem
A Reenactment of the Liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967. Delivered by Shlomo Horwitz of Jewish of Jewish Crossroads Let’s Open Our Sefarim This Yom Yerushalayim See also: Jerusalem’s...
May 23, 2017
By Shlomo Horwitz
Reliving the Six Day War
Reliving the Six Day War
Listen to Rabbi Steven Weil’s riveting Yom Yerushalayim shiur for a taste of 1967, including the background and events leading up to the war. Let’s Open Our Sefarim This Yom Yerushalayim...
May 16, 2017
By Rabbi Steven Weil
The Students of Rabbi Akiva
The Students of Rabbi Akiva
Is it possible that all 24,000 of Rabbi Akiva’s students committed the exact same sin? Why do we mourn over these students if they didn’t even learn from their rebbe’s most...
May 11, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold
There Will NOT Be a Third Churban
There Will NOT Be a Third Churban
In Parshat Nitzavim God says that after he brings us back he will increase us and bless the land. The State of Israel is clearly a manifestation of this.
Apr 27, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold
¿Por que tanto desprecio al Pan en Pesaj?
¿Por que tanto desprecio al Pan en Pesaj?
Apr 6, 2017
By Rabbi Israel Lashak

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