Zot Chanukah: 3 Gifts From Heaven
The Torah reading for Zot Chanukah has 50 verses; why couldn’t Moshe understand the menorah? The gematria of chanukah and the total number of pesukim we read is 89. Shiur provided...
Dec 21, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Kabbalistic Roots of “Zot Chanukah”: The Teachings of...
The first 7 days of Chanukah correspond to the 1st 7 kavanot; the 8th day corresponds to the last 6. Why aren’t they more evenly distributed? Why don’t we evenly distribute...
Dec 20, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
“Mizmor Shir Chanukat Habayit L’David” – The Jewel of...
What does Tehillim 30 (Mizmor Shir Chanukat HaBayit) have to do with Chanukah and why does the heading mention the dedication of the Mikdash and Dovid, it’s not related to the...
Dec 20, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
“The Great Cover-Up”: Why the Chanukah Story Was Hidden...
In Al HaNisim it says that after Hashem saved the Jews they came to the Mikdash. Where did they come from? Why is there no masechta on Chanukah? Shiur provided courtesy...
Dec 19, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Chanukah: The Ascent of Alexander the Great and the...
What does it mean when we say in Maoz Tzur that “בני בינה” (men of understanding) were the ones who established the holiday of Chanukah? What is the connection between Yavan...
Dec 17, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Fifth Ner of Chanukah: The Greatest Light of...
The connection between the fifth night of Chanukah, the number five, and the attribute of gratitude based on a drasha from Rav Yosef Engel. Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Dec 17, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Conspicuous Omission of the Mishna Berura Speaks Volumes...
The Mishna Berura quotes the Rambam’s historical introduction to the laws of Chanukah but leaves out that they made a king from among the Kohanim. Why? Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Dec 13, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Chanukah and the Five Fingers: The Ben Ish Chai...
The 24 days of Kislev correspond to the 24 letters of ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד. The 25th corresponds to The Pasuk of Shema which contains 25 letters. What is...
Dec 12, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Final Flames
Shiur provided courtesy of Naaleh.com Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein We tend to think of our holidays as commemorating events in our history, but our Sages tell us that the Torah...
Dec 11, 2017
By Shira Smiles
The Lomdus of the Shamash: Ramifications of the Machlokes...
The Gemara says that one must light an extra candle so as not to benefit from the Chanukah candles. Why does the Mechaber say that it’s only a minhag?? Shiur provided...
Dec 11, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
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