The Unusual Ancient Tu B’shevat Custom of Worms Reveals...
In Worms, the custom on Tu B’Shevat was that yeshivot were closed. Why? How does the custom reveal the essence of the day? Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Jan 31, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Tu B’Shevat: Eating Fruits, Rectifying the Sin of the...
Tu B’Shevat is the time of year by which ]most of the rain has fallen. Why does that make it the new year for trees? The mishna (Rosh Hashana 1:1) calls...
Jan 30, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Of God and Goats: Tales of Faith and Farming
How farming and spirituality go hand in hand. Miriam Shechter, a Chabad farmer from Moshav Sdei Trumot shares how working the land made her realize how much we all really depend...
Jan 18, 2018
By OU Staff
Checking Dried Fruit for Insects: A Hands-On Overview and...
OU Kosher and OU Israel present this practical hands-on seminar on checking dried fruit for insect infestation that will prove useful on Tu b’Shevat and throughout the year. Recorded at OU...
Jan 18, 2018
By Rabbi Y. Dov Krakowski
The Month of Shevat: A Time to Grow
From the beginning, we have had a connection to trees. Adam was commanded to work and guard the trees of gan eden. The holiday of Tu B’Shevat means different things to...
Jan 17, 2018
By Shprintzee Rappaport
Asara B’teves in the Worldview of Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz
The Avudraham says that were Asarah B’Tevet to fall on Shabbos we would fast on Shabbos. Why does it warrant fasting even on Shabbos? Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Dec 30, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Re-Examining Asara B’Tevet in Light of the “Menorah” of...
Chanukah occurs during the 8 darkest days (the last days of the month) of the darkest month of the year. Why do they break ground on the Second Temple on the...
Dec 25, 2017
By Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Personal Tevet Reflections
In Tevet, Esther was pulled away from her family and forced to live with Achashverosh but it ultimately led to the Jews’ salvation. Despite the tragedies that occured during Tevet, the...
Dec 25, 2017
By Batya Burd
Tevet, MiLashon Tov: A Month of Good
What is the connection between Chanukah and Tevet? Why did they wait until the year after the Chanukah miracle to make it into a holiday? Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh...
Dec 25, 2017
By Ayala Hart
The Unique Halachic Status of Asara B’Tevet
In Zechariah the fast days are not connected to specific days but to specific months. Unlike the other fast days connected to the Churban, were Asara B’Tevet to fall on Shabbos...
Dec 25, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
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