Video 1016 articles

Chanukah: The Imponderable of Rav Yehoshua M’Kutna
Chanukah: The Imponderable of Rav Yehoshua M’Kutna
The gemara requires one to sell his garment in order to afford ner chanukah, but the gemara also says if you only have enough money for ner chanukah or ner shabbos,...
Dec 10, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Malchut Chashmonaim in Halacha and Hashkafa
Malchut Chashmonaim in Halacha and Hashkafa
How do we view a kingship, its purpose, and its goals? Why does the Gemara focus on the miracle of the oil while we focus on the military victory in davening...
Dec 8, 2017
By Rabbi Shai Finkelstein
The Magic of the Number 8: Chanukah in the Worldview of the Maharal of Prague
The Magic of the Number 8: Chanukah in the...
7 represents the natural world, 8 represents that which is above nature. Nature is what separates us from God. Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Dec 7, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Chanukah: Is One Required to Begin Learning the Halachos 30 Days Beforehand?
Chanukah: Is One Required to Begin Learning the Halachos...
There is a mitzvah to learn about each holiday beginning 30 days before the holiday. There is also a mitzvah to learn the laws of a Yom Tov on the holiday...
Nov 29, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Background and Laws of Chanukah
Background and Laws of Chanukah
There is a Biblical obligation to celebrate when a Beit HaMikdash is dedicated. When we celebrate Chanukah it is in anticipation of the third Beit HaMikdash. The institution of the mitzvah...
Nov 26, 2017
By Rabbi Hershel Schachter
The First Miracle of the Oil
The First Miracle of the Oil
Why was there a need for the miracle of the oil, if there’s no oil, they simply wouldn’t have lit the menorah!?! What exactly is the miracle of the oil and...
Nov 26, 2017
By Dr. Chana Tannenbaum
Kislev: A Time of Rebirth
Kislev: A Time of Rebirth
What is the Jewish definition of time? In Judaism, events don’t determine time, time determines events. What is the nature of the month of Kislev and how does that relate to...
Nov 26, 2017
By Shprintzee Rappaport
My Chanukah Miracle Among Indonesian Muslim Fundamentalists
My Chanukah Miracle Among Indonesian Muslim Fundamentalists
How my return to my Jewish roots began in Bali, Indonesia, a Hindu Island in the largest Muslim country in the world. Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Nov 23, 2017
By Chana Jenny Weisberg
Reading Megilat Antiochus on Chanukah
Reading Megilat Antiochus on Chanukah
On Purim, we are obligated to read Megillat Esther which is a historical account of the Purim story. Why is there no parallel mitzvah on Chanukah to read Megilat Antiochus? Shiur...
Nov 6, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Chanukah: The Yom Tov of Torah Sheba’al Peh
Chanukah: The Yom Tov of Torah Sheba’al Peh
Why does the Rambam classify the mitzvah of Ner Chanukah very beloved? Why in the course of thanking Hashem for the miracle in Al Hanisim do we include establishing the holiday?...
Nov 6, 2017
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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