“No Ordinary Joe” – The Klausenberger Rebbe on What...
On Shavuot, the Amora Rav Yosef would make a large meal and say, were it not for this day, I would be just like any other Yosef on the street. Why...
May 16, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Yerushalayim 5778: A Vision for Our Time
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5778 Download the mekorot here
May 15, 2018
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold
Shavuot Insights Based on the Teachings of Rebbetzin Henny...
Delivered by her daughter, Elisheva Rosenthal Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
May 15, 2018
By Elisheva Rosenthal
A Different Perspective on Chodesh Sivan
Matan Torah wasn’t the only event that occured in Sivan, other events include Noach’s ark coming to rest on Har Ararat, Esther’s letter overturning Haman’s decree, and more. What is the...
May 15, 2018
By Shprintzee Rappaport
The Ladder of Transformation: Receiving the Torah at Sinai
How could a people enslaved for two centuries transform into a nation in only 49 days and merit to hear directly from God? How were they able to transform themselves? We...
May 15, 2018
By Sarah Hermelin
Megilat Rut: Core of Chesed
Download the mekorot here Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
May 15, 2018
By Shira Smiles
Rosh Chodesh: Our Dynamic Partnership with Hashem in Torah...
Download the mekorot here Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
May 15, 2018
By Zemira Ozarowski
The Mysterious Ancestry of David Hamelech
According to the Midrash, the daughters of Lot seemed to have been trying to orchestrate the ancestry of Mashiach by having a child with him. Why did God bring about Moshiach...
May 15, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Shavuot and the Importance of Minhagim
The five minhagim of Shavuot and how minhagim, in general, protect the Torah. What is the common denominator among the minhagim? Why is there no mitzvah on Shavuot that represents its...
May 15, 2018
By Rav Zev Leff
Propitious Prayer
Shiur provided courtesy of Naaleh.com Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein Among all our holidays, Shavuot has the unique distinction of not having any specific positive commandment associated with its observance. While...
May 14, 2018
By Shira Smiles
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