“How to Desire”: The Journey Through Rosh Hashana, Yom...
Unlike other two-day Yomim Tovim, Rosh Hashana is halachically viewed as one long day. What is the deeper significance? Yom Kippur is the one day of the year when the Satan...
Sep 6, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Teshuva Teachers: Chofetz Chaim – A Teshuva of Piety...
All disagreements in life result from poorly-defined expectations. The Chofetz Chaim discusses faith within halacha in the context of partnerships with non-Jews and Shabbos. His discussion of the importance of Torah...
Sep 5, 2018
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Silencing the Satan
Shiur provided courtesy of Naaleh.com Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein We all know that Hashem commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah. The basic number of sounds...
Sep 4, 2018
By Shira Smiles
The Avnei Nezer’s Revolutionary Dissection of the Mitzvah of...
The Rambam writes in eight places that the mitzvah is to listen, not to blow the shofar. The Semag, Sheiltot, and Rosh hold that the mitzvah is to blow the shofar....
Sep 4, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Teshuva: The Last Gate We Have Left – Inspiration...
How do we prepare for Selichot? Do we lose any sleep over our sins as we approach Rosh Hashana, the Day of Judgement? Selichot are meant to wake us up. to...
Sep 2, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Power and Structure of Selichot
According to the Levush Selichot are modeled after davening, we begin with Pesukei D’Zimra, then kaddish, then the thirteen middot and selichot (which parallel the amida), followed by Tachanun and full...
Sep 1, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Teshuva Teachers: Maharal of Prague – A Teshuva that...
Many of the Maharal’s writings focus on the distinction between the world as it should be and the world as it is. The difference between חומר and צורה parallels the difference between...
Aug 29, 2018
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rav Shlomo Kluger Uncovers the Annual Lottery of Rosh...
We accept God as King on Rosh Hashana but why do we ask for God’s sovereignty to be recognized over the whole world? The Tur says we act joyously on Rosh Hashana...
Aug 28, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Meiri Uncovers the Function of Chodesh Elul
The preparation for Teshuva begins from Rosh Chodesh Elul. The function of Elul is not just to daven but to plead so we are ready when Rosh Hashana arrives. Is Elul...
Aug 13, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Introduction to Kinot 5778: The Haunting Court Case of...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Jul 24, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
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