Video 1022 articles

Praises of Eretz Yisrael in Tanach
Praises of Eretz Yisrael in Tanach
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Jan 9, 2019
By Rebbetzin Pearl Borow
What are We Celebrating on Tu B’Shevat?
What are We Celebrating on Tu B’Shevat?
In both the list of four new years and the four times a year when the world is judged trees feature prominently. The Torah prohibits cutting down fruit trees because man...
Jan 9, 2019
By Rabbi Reuven Taragin
Asara B’tevet: “On That Very Day….”
Asara B’tevet: “On That Very Day….”
When it comes to the day the walls were breached we commemorate only the date for the second Beit HaMikdash (17 Tammuz). When it comes to the siege, why do we...
Dec 18, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Three Days of Darkness: The Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth of Tevet
Three Days of Darkness: The Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth...
Ptolemy ordered the sages to translate the Torah into Greek. The day it was translated is considered by a Chazal to be a dark day. Why? Chazal say some fast on...
Dec 17, 2018
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
Analyzing the Words of Birchat HaChodesh
Analyzing the Words of Birchat HaChodesh
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Dec 12, 2018
By Zemira Ozarowski
Why Fast for Events of the Past: A Halacha-Based Shiur
Why Fast for Events of the Past: A Halacha-Based...
When commemorating loss, we use the halachic system of aveilut, mourning. Fasting is not part of that system, yet when it comes to the four days associated with the loss of...
Dec 11, 2018
By Rabbi Alan Haber
Chodesh Tevet: A Trilogy of Tragedy
Chodesh Tevet: A Trilogy of Tragedy
Besides the siege of Yerushalayim, two other events occurred in Tevet – the translation of the Torah into Greek and the death of Ezra HaSofer. Why do we fast for Ezra...
Dec 11, 2018
By Shprintzee Rappaport
The Deeper Messages of Asara B’Tevet
The Deeper Messages of Asara B’Tevet
There is no break between Vayigash and Vayechi, Rashi describes it as a closed Parsha, because of the “closure” (emotional/spiritual) Bnei Yisrael felt when Yaakov died. Why describe the feeling as...
Dec 11, 2018
By Shira Smiles
The Mysterious and Miraculous Chanukah Practices of the Maharshal
The Mysterious and Miraculous Chanukah Practices of the Maharshal
The Maharshal’s would buy a silver menorah every year and he would wait to use it until the second night of Chanukah. The explanation of the Pri Megadim plus the miracle...
Dec 10, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Miracle of the Oil or the Military Victory? The Contradiction Between the Gemara and Al Hanisim
The Miracle of the Oil or the Military Victory?...
The Gemara makes no mention of the military victory over the Syrian Greeks, it only mentions that they found one flask of oil and it lasted eight days. Al HaNisim only...
Dec 9, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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