Video 1022 articles

Eradicating the Amalek Within: Reflections on Parshat Zachor and Purim
Eradicating the Amalek Within: Reflections on Parshat Zachor and...
There are 2 mitzvot connected to Amalek – remembering what they did and eliminating them. We are never vulnerable to the external Amalek unless there is a part of Amalek that...
Mar 17, 2019
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
Sweetening the Din, Gam Zu L’Tova, and the Secret of the Longest Pasuk in Tanach
Sweetening the Din, Gam Zu L’Tova, and the Secret...
The Shulchan Aruch says one must say cursed is Haman, blessed is Mordechai, and that “Charvona is also remembered for good”. Why do we say  וגם חרבונה – “also”, as if...
Mar 17, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Purim: Petition and Perspective
Purim: Petition and Perspective
 Shiur provided courtesy of Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein With the approach of every holiday, one should try to find the themes or major essence of the holiday and see that...
Mar 13, 2019
By Shira Smiles
Is Silence Golden?
Is Silence Golden?
Mordechai commanded Esther not to reveal her origins like Rachel who remained silent when Lavan switched her for Leah. Both were rewarded for their silence. When Pharaoh asked his advisors what...
Mar 12, 2019
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold
Mordechai vs. Haman: How to Lay Stakes to the 10 Greatest Blessings in the World
Mordechai vs. Haman: How to Lay Stakes to the...
Shoshanat Yaakov is not only a song, chazal say that one is obligated to say: ארור המן ברוך מרדכי. Why don’t we find this emphasis on good vs. evil regarding any...
Mar 12, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Mishloach Manot: The Lomdut and History of the Levush, Rav Mordechai Yaffa (on his Yahrtzeit)
Mishloach Manot: The Lomdut and History of the Levush,...
When Purim falls on Shabbos, the Seudah is postponed to Sunday. The Shulchan Aruch says that Mishloach Manot is also fulfilled on Sunday. Why? What is the reason for Mishloach Manot?...
Mar 12, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Transformation of the Spiritual DNA of Adar
The Transformation of the Spiritual DNA of Adar
The Megillah says that not only the days of Purim but the entire month (of Adar) was transformed from sorrow to joy. Why was Haman happy when the lottery fell on...
Mar 10, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Turning Things Upside Down: V’Nahafoch Hu in Megilat Esther
Turning Things Upside Down: V’Nahafoch Hu in Megilat Esther
What is so central about the concept of ונהפוך הוא to the megillah; to what extent does it play a role in the megillah? How does it fit into the theme...
Mar 10, 2019
By Rabbi Robby Charnoff
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim… B’Mitzvot: A Halachic Overview of the Mitzvot of Adar
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim… B’Mitzvot: A Halachic Overview of the...
In addition to Purim and it’s mitzvot, there are other mitzvot associated with Adar including the obligation to read the four parshiyot (Shekalim, Zachor, Parah, HaChodesh), Taanit Esther, and the custom...
Mar 10, 2019
By Rabbi Gershon Turetsky
Mishloach Manot: The Machloket Terumat Hadeshen and Manot HaLevi…Plus 3 More Reasons
Mishloach Manot: The Machloket Terumat Hadeshen and Manot HaLevi…Plus...
What if Reuven sends Shimon Mishloach Manot and Shimon refuses it, does Reuven fulfill his obligation? The Rama says he is yotzei. Why is he yotzei – he hasn’t given anything...
Mar 5, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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