The Cry of Pesach Sheni! The Minchas Chinuch Confirms...
Belzer Rebbe: Hillel’s source for eating the Korban Pesach in a sandwich (Korech) is not from the Parsha of Korban Pesach (Shemot 12), it’s from the Parsha of Pesach Sheni! Regarding...
May 20, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Uncovering the Moed of the Days of Sefira and...
The Tur writes that we celebrate Lag BaOmer because that is the day the students of Rebbe Akiva stopped dying. Why is that a reason to celebrate – they stopped dying...
May 19, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Yom Haatzmaut 5779
Why, in Shemoneh Esrei, does the bracha of Kibbutz Galuyot immediately follow Barech Aleinu? Because as the Gemara says, there is no surer sign that Moshiach is coming than the land...
May 8, 2019
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold
Machar Chodesh: “Why Has Dovid Not Come, Not Yesterday,...
What is the thematic connection between Rosh Chodesh, David HaMelech, and the Davidic dynasty? Why do we read this haftarah just because it begins with the phrase “Machar Chodesh”? An answer...
May 7, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Is Yom Ha’atzmaut a “Halachic Holiday”?
Is Yom Haatzmaut a Halachic holiday? Are we allowed to add holidays to the calendar? The Ramban writes that Yeravam commited a sin by adding a holiday to the Jewish Calendar....
May 7, 2019
By Rabbi Shimshon Nadel
The Bnei Yissaschar Uncovers the Two Dimensions of the...
If someone forgets יעלה ויבא in bentching on Rosh Chodesh one doesn’t repeat bentching, the Yerushalmi rules he has to repeat bentching (because it holds having a seudah is obligatory on...
May 6, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Saga of Rabban Gamliel and Rav Elazar ben...
In the story told in the Haggadah about the Seder in Bnei Brak Rebbe Elazar ben Azarya says he was never able to prevail over the chachamim regarding the requirement to...
May 6, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Optimism, Rebbe Akiva, and Yom Ha’atzmaut
The Maharal explains the connection between Sefirat HaOmer, the preparation for Matan Torah and Shavuot and the sin of Rebbe Akiva’s students. Throughout the Mishna and Gemara Rebbe Akiva is always...
May 6, 2019
By Shayna Goldberg
A Deeper Look at Lag BaOmer
Rebbi Akiva’s students represented the continuation of the Torah after the churban. Since they were not fully qualified because of their behavior, the Torah transmitted through them to all future generations...
May 6, 2019
By Sylvie Schatz
The “Blessing” of Sefirat Haomer – Lomdut and Machshava...
The Rambam emphasizes that if you didn’t say the bracha on Sefirat HaOmer you don’t need to repeat sefirah with a bracha. Rav Moshe Shapiro asks in אפיקי מים: Of course...
May 2, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
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