Video 1020 articles

“Rivers of Tears” Tisha B’av 5778
“Rivers of Tears” Tisha B’av 5778
Jul 18, 2019
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Mourning for the Mikdash: Objective or Personal?
Mourning for the Mikdash: Objective or Personal?
  Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5779 Women’s Event sponsored in memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld, מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל.  
Jul 4, 2019
By Rabbi Azarya Berzon
The Revolutionary Approach of the Ramban to the Two Sets of Luchos
The Revolutionary Approach of the Ramban to the Two...
We received the luchot twice – on Shavuot and on Yom Kippur. Why is the physical-based celebration on Shavuot and the spiritual-based celebration on Yom Kippur – it should be the...
Jun 10, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Story of Rut Like Never Before – 10 Exhilarating Highlights of the Malbim
The Story of Rut Like Never Before – 10...
The gematria of Moav is 49 corresponding to the days of Sefirah in which we try to overcome the negative Moabite influence so that we can merit the birth of David...
Jun 10, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Yom Yerushalayim: The Perfect Prelude to Shavuot
Yom Yerushalayim: The Perfect Prelude to Shavuot
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5779 Women’s Event sponsored in memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld, מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל.  
Jun 6, 2019
By Rabbanit Shani Taragin
Torah Transmission: Automatic or Manual?
Torah Transmission: Automatic or Manual?
. Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Iyyar 5779 Women’s Event sponsored in memory of Mrs Linda Pruwer-Brachfeld, מרת חיה סאשא בת ר’ יוסף הלל.  
Jun 6, 2019
By Ayala Hart
Mountain Momentum
Mountain Momentum
 Shiur provided courtesy of Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein The Torah tells us that when Bnei Yisroel accepted the Torah, they were encamped betachtic hahar/under the bottom of the mountain. The common...
Jun 5, 2019
By Shira Smiles
Cracking the Code of Akdamut and Yetziv Pitgam
Cracking the Code of Akdamut and Yetziv Pitgam
What is Yetziv Pitgam? Why is it inserted in the Haftarah for the Second day of Shavuot (which is taken from Chavakuk)? Why is there a piyut for laining on the...
Jun 5, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Seventy Names of Yerushalayim
The Seventy Names of Yerushalayim
The midrash says that Hashem, Bnei Yisrael, the Torah, and Yerushalayim each have seventy names. Yerushalayim is called כלילת יופי. What does that mean? The objective beauty of Yerushalayim and Rav...
Jun 3, 2019
By Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
Torah: Black Fire on White Fire
Torah: Black Fire on White Fire
“ויאמר יהוה מסיני בא וזרח משעיר למו הופיע מהר פארן ואתה מרבבת קדש מימינו אש דת למו” Rashi says that this pasuk teaches that in heaven, the Torah is like black...
Jun 3, 2019
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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