Video 995 articles

The Korban Pesach: A Turning Point of Hidden Messages
The Korban Pesach: A Turning Point of Hidden Messages
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 28 Adar 5783 / March 21, 2023
Mar 23, 2023
By Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
Chodesh Nisan: Finding Hope in the Waxing Moon
Chodesh Nisan: Finding Hope in the Waxing Moon
Mar 20, 2023
By Rabbi Yonah Sklare
Rabbah and Rebbi Zeira’s Purim Seudah: Unpacking the Other Purim Story
Rabbah and Rebbi Zeira’s Purim Seudah: Unpacking the Other...
Mar 20, 2023
By Rabbi Avi Herzog
Why Do We Go So Crazy Over Chametz?
Why Do We Go So Crazy Over Chametz?
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 21 Adar 5783 / March 14, 2023
Mar 16, 2023
By Rabbi Shimshon Nadel
Chametz and Matzah: The Reasons
Chametz and Matzah: The Reasons
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 21 Adar 5783 / March 14, 2023 Rabbi Breitowitz’s Tuesday Shiur is sponsored for the 2023 academic year by Rabbi Refoel and Sharon Auman in...
Mar 16, 2023
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
Wine’s Wisdom
Wine’s Wisdom
 Shiur provided courtesy of
Mar 13, 2023
By Shira Smiles
No Escape: Purim
No Escape: Purim
The Purim story has an incredibly happy ending – for almost everyone….
Mar 6, 2023
By Harry Rothenberg
Joy Only in the Land of Israel
Joy Only in the Land of Israel
Eretz Chefetz 4:9 by Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook Delivered at the OU Israel Center, Taanit Esther 5783 / March 6, 2023 Sponsored by Hillel Goldscheider in memory of Elisha Chanina...
Mar 6, 2023
By Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider
The Eretz Yisrael Component in the Purim Story
The Eretz Yisrael Component in the Purim Story
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 12 Adar 5783 / March 5, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
By Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
The Paradigm of Purim
The Paradigm of Purim
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 7 Adar 5783 / February 28, 2023 Sponsored by Iris Rothman in loving memory of her father, יחזקאל פסח בן יצחק, whose 30th Yahrzeit is...
Feb 28, 2023
By Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

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