Video 1016 articles

Aneinu & The Essence of a Fast Day
Aneinu & The Essence of a Fast Day
Why do we say Aneinu on both a public fast day such as Tisha B’Av and on a private fast day such as for a dream or a yahrtzeit? Aren’t their purposes different? A...
Jul 21, 2005
By Rabbi Michael Taubes
Recognizing the Mourning Light
Recognizing the Mourning Light
There are 2 different  and distinct concepts: zecher l’mikdash (remembering the Bet HaMikdash) and zecher l’churban (remembering the destruction). Zecher L’Mikdash isn’t about mourning; it’s about focusing on the glory that was...
Jul 21, 2005
By Rabbi Larry Rothwachs
The Churban and Its Aftermath
The Churban and Its Aftermath
A Shiur on The Three Weeks presented by Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt. Why is the current exile so long – the generation that brought it about is long gone? What have the Jews since then...
Jul 20, 2005
By Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt
Kinot and Shirat Ha’azinu
Kinot and Shirat Ha’azinu
Kinot show how we have suffered at the hands of the nations. But we must remember that it was God who allowed the churban to occur. This is the theme of...
Jul 20, 2005
By Rabbi Hershel Welcher
The Themes of the Tisha B’Av Kinot
The Themes of the Tisha B’Av Kinot
In this shiur Rabbi Feivel Wagner discusses the 3 types of Kinot we recite on Tisha B’Av: 1) mourning; 2) focus on the former glory & contrasting it with what is; 3) accepting...
Jul 20, 2005
By Rabbi Feivel Wagner
An Economic Interpretation of Megillat Esther
An Economic Interpretation of Megillat Esther
The party at the beginning of the Megillah causes the king’s economic problems. This leads to the decree against the Jews & Esther’s plot to bring down Haman.
Aug 5, 2004
By Rabbi Hershel Billet

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