Audio 1549 articles

Reading the Megillah from the Perspective of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah
Reading the Megillah from the Perspective of the Rambam’s...
Mar 7, 2019
By Rav Chaim Ilson
The Real Story of Purim
The Real Story of Purim
The Purim story is the last time when all the Jews lived under one empire. Normally when there is a war against one enemy we celebrate victory on one day, if...
Feb 28, 2019
By Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Purim Katan: Emunah & Simcha
Purim Katan: Emunah & Simcha
Feb 19, 2019
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Two Purims? A Deeper Look at the Jewish Calendar
Two Purims? A Deeper Look at the Jewish Calendar
The Rambam defines the mitzvah of kiddush hachodesh as sanctifying the month and intercalating the months to ensure that Pesach will always fall in the Spring. Hashem wants us to be...
Feb 6, 2019
By Phil Chernofsky
Tu B’Shevat, Tu B’Av, and Creation
Tu B’Shevat, Tu B’Av, and Creation
Bnei Yissaschar: There is a machloket when the world was created in Nisan (beginning with 25th of Adar) or in Tishrei (beginning with 25th of Elul). Tu B’Shevat is 40 days...
Jan 24, 2019
By Rav Zev Leff
The Mystical Meaning of Tu B’Shevat
The Mystical Meaning of Tu B’Shevat
Jan 21, 2019
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Vessels for the Light
Vessels for the Light
Why do we commemorate the re-inauguration of the Second Beit HaMikdash and the dedication of the Mishkan but not the original dedication of the Beit HaMikdash in the time of Shlomo?...
Dec 7, 2018
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Light Up the Legs
Light Up the Legs
Why does the Gemara use the term “עד שתכלה רגל מן השוק” – specifically the leg to describe the time for lighting the menorah? What is the connection to the Regalim?...
Dec 5, 2018
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Reason, Faith and Creativity
Reason, Faith and Creativity
Yavan is referred to as חושך darkness because of the decree of “כתבו לכם על קרן השור אין לכם חלק באלוקי ישראל”. Why is that specifically darkness? ופרצו חומות מגדלי: The...
Dec 3, 2018
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Maalin B’Kodesh v’Ein Moridin
Maalin B’Kodesh v’Ein Moridin
Insights into lighting the Chanukah menorah according to the practices of Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai. The relationship between Chanukah and Succos.
Nov 28, 2018
By Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein

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