Audio 1505 articles

Is Purim One of 613 Mitzvot?
Is Purim One of 613 Mitzvot?
מראה מקומות ספר הלכות גדולות מנין המצוות, מצוות קום ועשה: “(קלח) נר שבת. (קלט) נר חנוכה. וכו’ (ר) ומקרא מגילה”. ספר המצוות של רס”ג (פרק כ פרק של מצוות החגים, ע’...
Mar 19, 2024
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Why Does Eliyahu Hanavi Make So Many Guest Appearances in the Megillah?
Why Does Eliyahu Hanavi Make So Many Guest Appearances...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 19, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Stunning Question of Pri Chadash About the Legislation of Purim – The Two Approaches to Learning: Iyun & Bekiyu...
The Stunning Question of Pri Chadash About the Legislation...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 19, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
We Can Never Separate From Purim!
We Can Never Separate From Purim!
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 19, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
7 Adar – Rav Yaakov Emden on How the Yoma Hillula of Moshe Rabbeinu Prepares Klal Yisroel for Purim
7 Adar – Rav Yaakov Emden on How the...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 18, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz Uncovers the Mitzvah That All History Hinges Upon
Rav Yonasan Eibeshutz Uncovers the Mitzvah That All History...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 18, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Purim and the Power of Prayer – Entering the Beis Hamikdash Daily
Purim and the Power of Prayer – Entering the...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 18, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Mordechai vs. Haman – How to Lay Claim to the 10 Greatest Blessings in the World
Mordechai vs. Haman – How to Lay Claim to...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 15, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
The Machlokes Rambam and Tosfos Regarding Shehechiyanu on the Day Reading of the Megillah
The Machlokes Rambam and Tosfos Regarding Shehechiyanu on the...
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 15, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Purim: Right Back at Ya
Purim: Right Back at Ya
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Mar 14, 2024
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

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