Thirty Days Prior to Pesach Part I
The status of the thirty days before Pesach; 3 main issues arise. This mini lecture, given by Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein, is part 1 of 3 dealing with the prohibition to eulogize...
Mar 24, 2006
By Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein
Community Lunch and Learn: Preparing for Pesach
Rabbi Hershel Welcher gives a Shiur on The Prohibition of Chametz and Practical Applications. Given Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Mar 23, 2006
By Rabbi Hershel Welcher
Embrace Of The Angels: What they Don’t Tell Kids...
When they entered the Kodesh HaKodashim they saw the Keruvim embracing which is normally a sign of God’s approval of the Jewish people. Why were they embracing at a time when...
Mar 22, 2006
By Rabbi Daniel Yolkut
Purim: The Lesson of Confronting Challenges in Our Own...
Purim suffers from being popular with children…we often lose site of the fact that it is not just recalling a historical episode, it is actually the clash of two different world...
Mar 11, 2006
By Rabbi Michael Whitman
Esther’s Story: A Matter of Will
The Megillah is a story of the Jewish people…but the Megillah is also the story or Esther the individual…Esther sent a message to the sages of her generation and said “Establish...
Mar 11, 2006
By Rabbi Michael Whitman
Purim Shtick with Meish Goldish
Get into the Purim spirit with Meish Goldish, comedic star of the Young Israel of Flatbush and Nevele Hotel.
Mar 9, 2006
By Meish Goldish
The Entire Story of Purim
The Entire Story of Purim- Purim centers around appreciating Hashem’s hand in the survival of the Jews of Shushan. Most of us know bits and pieces of the Purim story but...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
Purim: Eating, Drinking…how could this be a Holier Day...
Purim, Eating Drinking….Purim doesn’t seems like a holy day. We eat, drink and party. However, one of the holiest men of all time, the Arizal, claims that Purim is holier than...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
Esther: The Secret to Greatness
Esther: the Secret to Greatness – arguably the most significant character in the story of Purim was Esther. Who was Esther and what was her secret in rising from a quiet...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
Phillip Namanworth: “Prayin’ for Daylight (Nes Gadol)”
OURadio EXCLUSIVE! Listen to and download a second new song specially for this Chanukah. Written and arranged by Phillip Namanworth, performed by Phillip Namanworth and his band Always Somethin’. Album to...
Dec 27, 2005
By Phillip Namanworth
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