Audio 1540 articles

The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part V)
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part V)
In the next part of the megillah we are introduced to Esther, the heroine of the story. We are told of Mordechai’s relationship to her, & to what extent he has influence over...
Mar 19, 2008
By Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part IV)
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part IV)
In the megillah crisis leads to resolution leads to crisis. Achashverosh is portrayed as never taking responsibility or making decisions. At this point in the megillah we meet Mordechai. The OU’s...
Mar 19, 2008
By Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part III)
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part III)
Achashverosh’s insecurity as ruler manifests itself in the way he reacts when, at the culmination of his long party, Vashti refuses to make an appearance. The OU’s Nach Yomi presents Rabbi Yitzchak...
Mar 19, 2008
By Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part II)
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part II)
Several examples show that there seems to be a clear program on the part of the text’s editors to make sure Megillat Esther avoids direct mention of God’s name. The OU’s...
Mar 19, 2008
By Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part I)
The OU’s Nach Yomi: Megilat Esther (Part I)
Rabbi Etshalom discusses the canonization of Esther, how chazal viewed the book, general issues of understanding the megillah, & takes a look at the opening section. The OU’s Nach Yomi presents...
Mar 19, 2008
By Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
Bread-Buying and Pasta-Purchasing Post-Pesach: Problem or Permitted?
Bread-Buying and Pasta-Purchasing Post-Pesach: Problem or Permitted?
Everyone knows that bread is a strict no-no during Pesach. But what about after Pesach–no problem, right? Wrong! Join Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Executive Rabbinic Coordinator of OU Kashruth, for a thorough...
Mar 18, 2008
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban
Sleepless Sermon: Purim 5768 – The Message of Amalek
Sleepless Sermon: Purim 5768 – The Message of Amalek
In naming the holiday of Purim, we emphasize the pur, the lottery of Haman. What is the significance and how does it relate to the essence of Amalek?
Mar 18, 2008
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
The Hidden and The Open Purim
The Hidden and The Open Purim
The message of Purim is that we need to look at seemingly natural events with enough sensitivity to see the hand of God in “the miracles of the mundane”. Part one...
Mar 17, 2008
By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Reflections on Megillat Esther
Reflections on Megillat Esther
The very act of making Esther part of Tanach demonstrates that even seemingly natural events are really God’s hand.  This is implied in the name “Megillat Esther” –  literally “revealing that...
Mar 17, 2008
By Rabbi Feivel Wagner
Hidden Secret Behind the Story of Mordechai & Esther
Hidden Secret Behind the Story of Mordechai & Esther
Mordechai was perplexed about why Esther was selected to become the queen…until Haman’s decree. Once Mordechai learns of the decree we are told that “Mordechai Yada” meaning that he understood what...
Mar 17, 2008
By Rabbi Hershel Billet

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