Audio 1540 articles

Revealing The Hidden: Purim & Yom Kippurim
Revealing The Hidden: Purim & Yom Kippurim
Yom Kippur & Purim are 1 holiday – half for Hashem (Yom Kippur) and half for us (Purim). Each parallels 1 of the reasons we sin (yetzer hara, antisemitism). Revealing The...
Feb 25, 2009
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Sleepless Sermon: Tu B’Shevat 5769
Sleepless Sermon: Tu B’Shevat 5769
When Hashem created Adam, it says that he placed him in the garden which He created. Why does the Torah emphasize where Hashem placed Adam HaRishon?
Feb 9, 2009
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Sleepless Sermon: The Message of Chanukah (5769)
Sleepless Sermon: The Message of Chanukah (5769)
Rav Moshe Feinstein writes that the message of Chanukah is that brute force and finances should not dictate our actions in the world, rather the purity of the spirit, symbolized by the...
Dec 25, 2008
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
The Mother of Children is Joyous
The Mother of Children is Joyous
The story of Chana and her seven sons is well known. But what is less known is what it says about Chanukah, the Oral Torah, and in particular, the timeless Oral...
Dec 24, 2008
By Rabbi Yehuda Leonard Oppenheimer
Rav Hutner on Chanukah
Rav Hutner on Chanukah
The profound thoughts of Rav Hutner Zt”l on Chanukah. Sometimes by “breaking” the Torah, we fulfill the Torah. The forgetting of Torah itself caused new Torah, the back and forth, to be...
Dec 24, 2008
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Rabbi Weinreb on Chanukah: He Who Praises, Prays!
Rabbi Weinreb on Chanukah: He Who Praises, Prays!
Hallel doesn’t just mean praise, but also to glow since the person glows and it inspires them to even greater things. We try to accomplish this through the medium of Hallel.
Dec 24, 2008
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Chanukah: One Small Step
Chanukah: One Small Step
Why do we celebrate 8 days if the miracle was for 7 days only? Why do we say full Hallel on Chanukah? An answer from the Kometz Mincha. Chanukah: One Small...
Dec 23, 2008
By Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein
Chanukah: An Exile At Home
Chanukah: An Exile At Home
The period of Greek rule is called an exile by Chazal but we were still living in Israel at the time. How, then, was it considered an exile? Meeting the challenge...
Dec 22, 2008
By Rabbi Eliyahu W. Ferrell
Where Can I Find the Story of Chanukah?
Where Can I Find the Story of Chanukah?
All the holidays are mentioned in Tanach and have their own Masechet in the Gemara, except Chanukah. Why is Chanukah barely mentioned in the Mishna/Gemara? Chanukah: Where Can I Find the...
Dec 16, 2008
By Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein
Latkes and Donuts: “Oil” You Ever Wanted to Know
Latkes and Donuts: “Oil” You Ever Wanted to Know
Although we associate latkes and donuts with Chanukah, in actuality, the halachic questions they engender apply all year. Rabbi David Bistricer, an OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinator, provides a clear and concise...
Dec 11, 2008
By Rabbi David Bistricer

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