Audio 1540 articles

Tzafun & Tzafona: How Lechem Oni Becomes Afikomen
Tzafun & Tzafona: How Lechem Oni Becomes Afikomen
How does the matzah shift from being poor man’s bread at the beginning of the Seder, in maggid, to being a symbol of freedom by the time we get to the Afikomen? Esther...
Mar 26, 2009
By Esther Wein
G-d-like on Purim
G-d-like on Purim
Why is Purim different than all other holidays? Rav Hutner explains what makes Purim different and why it will always be celebrated, even when Moshiach comes. How we can be compared...
Mar 9, 2009
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Sleepless Sermon: Tetzaveh-Purim 5769
Sleepless Sermon: Tetzaveh-Purim 5769
It’s not the beard on our face or the hat on our head that matter, it’s what’s inside that counts. What then is the function of clothing?
Mar 8, 2009
By Rabbi Shalom Hammer
Purim L’Netzach: Purim is Forever
Purim L’Netzach: Purim is Forever
Esther represents the miracles of the end of days. The Gemara says all holidays will cease besides Purim. What is the association between Pesach and Purim? Understanding the difference between discovery and...
Mar 5, 2009
By Esther Wein
Adar: the Happy Month
Adar: the Happy Month
Happiness is all in our attitude & what we choose to focus on. Rabbi Dave presents a tool he learned from his rebbe Rav Noach Weinberg to master happiness. Tools for...
Mar 4, 2009
By Rabbi Dave Felsenthal
Blessed Mordechai, Cursed Haman
Blessed Mordechai, Cursed Haman
Not knowing the difference on Purim between Blessed is Mordechai and Cursed is Haman. The greater the difference is between 2 things the more similar they appear on the surface. This...
Mar 4, 2009
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Drinking on Purim, a Message from Rabbi Weinreb
Drinking on Purim, a Message from Rabbi Weinreb
It is Purim: Don’t get Drunk!! Don’t let your yetzer hara tell you it’s a mitzvah to over-drink. Even in his day, the author of Yesod v’shoresh HaAvodah saw people abusing wine...
Mar 4, 2009
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Tips for an Easy Fun Purim Party
Tips for an Easy Fun Purim Party
Purim is just around the corner, celebrity chef Michelle Bernstein sits down with Linda Gassenheimer to talk about planning your Purim menu in the Premier episode of Food Talk on
Mar 3, 2009
By Linda Gassenheimer
Purim: Remember The Cynic
Purim: Remember The Cynic
What is so bad about Amalek to the point that we are commanded to destroy them? Amalek represents cynicism which can never be channeled into something good. Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein’s new...
Mar 3, 2009
By Rabbi Moishe Lichtenstein
Mishnas Chayim – Purim: Lots To Talk About
Mishnas Chayim – Purim: Lots To Talk About
What’s in a name? Purim. Mention of its name immediately brings to mind a familiar, festive atmosphere and an exciting narrative. Read the text version
Mar 3, 2009
By Rabbi Mayer Erps

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