Sukkot: Time of Rejoicing
To what historical event are we referring when we call Sukkot “Z’man Simchateinu” – the time of our joy? Why is it celebrated at this time of year?
Oct 11, 2011
By Shira Smiles
Yom Kippur 5772: Torah Tidbits Audio
On Yom Kippur Moshe came down with the luchot & God forgave the Jews for the golden calf. This made the time prime for repentance & introspection. Solemn, Joyous, and Challenging...
Oct 6, 2011
By Phil Chernofsky
Getting the Most Out of Yom Kippur
On Yom Kippur God comes down & says: “I am acceptable, Meet Me halfway”. 3 reasons why it is so hard to meet God halfway & how we can take advantage of...
Oct 4, 2011
By Shira Smiles
Tehillim 27 During Elul
The goal of Tehillim is to integrate its messages, words, and ideas into every part of ourselves so as to cause transformation. How does Tehillim chapter 27 help us accomplish this during the month of...
Sep 26, 2011
By Rivka Segal
Hilchos Teshuva #1
The very phrase “days of awe” connote fear and anxiety. The flip side is that they are also days of extraordinary opportunity and closeness to God. Presented by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz...
Sep 21, 2011
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
Elul: Opening the Gates
Certain times during the year speak to a person but Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, & Hoshana Rabbah lure every Jew. The entire basis of the year is established during this...
Sep 13, 2011
By Shira Smiles
How Does Elul Prepare Us?
What about the month of Elul makes it a key to preparing for Rosh Hashanah? What does it mean that Elul a time of love? Why is “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li” so...
Sep 6, 2011
By Shira Smiles
The 3 Weeks Part II: Tov and Ra
Ra (evil) is that which gets in the way of our achieving the tzurat ha’adam, man in his ideal state, as he was at the time of creation. For part 1 click here.
Aug 3, 2011
By Esther Wein
Yom Yerushalayim Community Event
Let’s Open Our Sefarim This Yom Yerushalayim Yom Yerushalayim Community Event with a shiur by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb and introduction by Rabbi Josh Blass. Recorded at Kehillas Bais...
Jul 26, 2011
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
The 3 Weeks Part I: Tov and Ra
The big picture: the 3 weeks and the Fragmenting of the Tzurat Ha’adam – a much earlier concept which is found at the beginning of Sefer Bereishit expresses itself during the 3 weeks & especially...
Jul 22, 2011
By Esther Wein
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