Audio 1540 articles

Torah Tidbits Audio: Parshat Miketz & Shabbat Chanukah 5771
Torah Tidbits Audio: Parshat Miketz & Shabbat Chanukah 5771
The Chanukah miracle could have been commemorated in a single day. Why, then, is Chanukah an 8-day holiday? The answer lies in Brit Milah, one of the focuses of the Greeks’ spiritual...
Dec 2, 2010
By Phil Chernofsky
Torah Tidbits Audio: Parshat Vayeishev & Pre-Chanukah 5771
Torah Tidbits Audio: Parshat Vayeishev & Pre-Chanukah 5771
Chanukah like other holidays is a story about Jews being victorious over their oppressors. Even though, like other holidays it’s not a “happily ever after” story we still celebrate nonetheless.
Nov 26, 2010
By Phil Chernofsky
Sukkot, Simchat Torah and “Zot HaTorah”
Sukkot, Simchat Torah and “Zot HaTorah”
In one of the piyutim for Simchat Torah we refer to the Torah as “Zot HaTorah”. An exploration of what the phrase means based on the 2 places in the Torah where the...
Oct 4, 2010
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Making the Most of Your Hoshana Rabba Experience
Making the Most of Your Hoshana Rabba Experience
Hoshana Rabba is the most misunderstood holiday, as it is shrouded in kabbalah/mysticism. On Hoshana Rabba we show Hashem we carry out his will even though we don’t always understand.
Sep 28, 2010
By Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi
Yom Kippur 5771: Teshuva – Becoming Yashar Again
Yom Kippur 5771: Teshuva – Becoming Yashar Again
In the 7th chapter of Hilchot Teshuvah the Rambam writes that since man has the ability to do teshuva, we should TRY to do teshuva, i.e. 100% teshuvah is impossible. Why is that...
Sep 16, 2010
By Esther Wein
Yom Kippur 5771: Torah Tidbits Audio
Yom Kippur 5771: Torah Tidbits Audio
Phil Chernofsky presents Torah Tidbits audio for Yom Kippur 5771 with a discussion of the basic laws of Yom Kippur including the 5 restrictions, Kol Nidrei, and the section of Mussaf...
Sep 16, 2010
By Phil Chernofsky
Rosh Hashana 5771:  Shofar – Intuitive Cry of Life
Rosh Hashana 5771: Shofar – Intuitive Cry of...
What is the shofar supposed to cause us to experience? Hearing is the most spiritual of all senses. It is also the only one of our senses that allows us to...
Sep 2, 2010
By Esther Wein
Rosh Hashana 5771: Hayom Harat Olam
Rosh Hashana 5771: Hayom Harat Olam
The mitzvah of the day on Rosh Hashanah is to declare Hashem as our King. What does this mean and how do we accomplish this?
Aug 26, 2010
By Esther Wein
The Etz Hachaim Within Us – 5770
The Etz Hachaim Within Us – 5770
No mention is made of Matan Torah in the context of Shavuot and no specific date is given in the Torah for Shavuot, we are only told it is the 50th...
May 17, 2010
By Esther Wein
Is Ignorance Bliss?
Is Ignorance Bliss?
Mishnas Chayim for Parshas Tzav & Pesach – A most striking aspect of the Pesach Haggadah is the enigmatic introduction to the Exodus narrative. A central section of the Haggadah is...
Mar 23, 2010
By Rabbi Mayer Erps

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