Audio 1543 articles

Rebbetzin Shira Smiles: Rosh Hashana – Our Turn
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles: Rosh Hashana – Our Turn
What illusions are we living in? When are we going to wake up and realize what really counts – doing God’s will – THAT is how to achieve eternity! Shiur provided courtesy of
Sep 14, 2012
By Shira Smiles
Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah
A shiur delivered in Spanish
Sep 12, 2012
By Rabbi Israel Lashak
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles: The Duality of the Shofar
Rebbetzin Shira Smiles: The Duality of the Shofar
On Rosh Hashanah we are told Hashem inscribes us in 1 of 3 books. Can anyone really be exactly 50/50? Why is the shofar the focus of Rosh HaShanah? Shiur provided...
Sep 7, 2012
By Shira Smiles
Rosh Hashanah Questions
Rosh Hashanah Questions
Rav Soloveichik answers questions from the audience about Rosh Hashanah including the nature of the mitzvah to blow the shofar. Delivered September 25th, 1978.
Aug 31, 2012
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude Teshuva
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude...
In Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam lists 24 things that can prevent a person from attaining teshuva. These 24 roadblocks can be divided into 6 different categories.
Aug 24, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Elul: Time of Desire
Elul: Time of Desire
Elul is characterized as a time of desire. It is when we are most acceptable before God. Our job is to tap into this energy & utilize it. How do we...
Aug 17, 2012
By Shira Smiles
The 41st Kinah: 2 Infamous Medieval Debates & the Aftermath
The 41st Kinah: 2 Infamous Medieval Debates & the...
Rabbi Weil discusses 2 debates: one in Spain between Pablo Christiani and the Ramban and one in France which involved Louis IX and Nicholas Donin in 1240. The latter led to burning...
Jul 30, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Kinot 31 & 34: Homicide In The Mikdash
Kinot 31 & 34: Homicide In The Mikdash
The Tragic Consequence of Zechariah’s Murder (Kinos 31 and 34): Instead of trying to fix the problem (their sins) they killed the messenger (Zechariah). It remained unaddressed until Nevuzaradan came.
Jul 30, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Kinah 21: The Death Knell of Israeli Jewry
Kinah 21: The Death Knell of Israeli Jewry
The Aftermath of the Roman Genocide and the Hadrianic Decrees: We haven’t corrected the flaw of intra-Jewish animosity. Even under the Roman siege, we weren’t united. An Analysis of The 21st Kinah,...
Jul 29, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Tisha B’av 5772: Hearing and Seeing
Tisha B’av 5772: Hearing and Seeing
What is exile? What does the Ramchal mean when he says all events that occur to the Jews as a nation are experienced by each individual in their own life?
Jul 26, 2012
By Esther Wein

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