Audio 1546 articles

Understanding Yachatz: Secrets of Matzah
Understanding Yachatz: Secrets of Matzah
What does the poverty theme of yachatz & ha lachma anya have to do with the seder, why do we introduce the matzah both now & later? What does freedom mean?...
Apr 5, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Secrets of Karpas
Secrets of Karpas
Why do we specifically dip a vegetable in salt water to arouse the children’s curiosity; aren’t there other ways? Why does it have to be a vegetable? Previous: Seder Night: What’s So...
Apr 4, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Seder Night: What’s So Orderly?
Seder Night: What’s So Orderly?
Why on Pesach do we have to retell the story & reason for the holiday? Pesach recalls & renews the new world order. Talking about it brings it into reality. Next:...
Apr 4, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Purim and Kippurim: Unidentical Twins
Purim and Kippurim: Unidentical Twins
Why should we want to be confused between cursed is Haman and blessed is Mordechai? Why not just command us to bless Haman? What is the connection between Purim and Yom HakipPURIM?
Mar 22, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Shabbos Zachor: Going from Illuminating Clothes to Fragrance
Shabbos Zachor: Going from Illuminating Clothes to Fragrance
In most years, Shabbat Zachor coincides with Parshat Tetzaveh. What is the connection between them? What is the logic behind the order of the topics in parshiyot Terumah and Tetzaveh?
Mar 17, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Shabbos Parshat Zachor (Hebrew)
Shabbos Parshat Zachor (Hebrew)
Why do we specifically fulfill the commandment to remember what Amalek did (zachor) on the Shabbat before Purim? Why not on a different day, for example, on Taanit Esther? Delivered in...
Mar 17, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
A Psychological Profile of Haman
A Psychological Profile of Haman
Even from our first encounter with Haman, we see that the only way he can be satisfied is by killing, not just overcoming, his competitor. A discussion of the difference between...
Mar 1, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Shushan Purim Katan
Shushan Purim Katan
The message of Shushan Purim is that we aim not just to survive, but also to move the world forward for tomorrow. This is the deeper message behind Esther’s request for a...
Feb 24, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Understanding the Metaphysics of Haman’s Male Chauvinism
Understanding the Metaphysics of Haman’s Male Chauvinism
Chazal say: Were not for Haman & Achashverosh sending out the letter that each man should rule in his own home the Jews wouldn’t have survived.
Feb 22, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Rav Soloveitchik: Megillat Rut – Part 2
Rav Soloveitchik: Megillat Rut – Part 2
In Megillat Ruth which we read on Shavuot we are introduced to 2 halachic concepts: kinyan chalipin and geulah (redeeming a relative’s field). Delivered in 1969. For part 1 click here.
Oct 19, 2015
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik

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