Audio 1585 articles

What Holds Reality Together
What Holds Reality Together
Understanding why the Greeks hated Bris Milah and the special significance of “Zos Chanukah”. The concept of eight is intrinsic to milah and milah typefies the number eight. Why does the...
Dec 14, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Finding Your Inner Hero
Finding Your Inner Hero
The Director of OU’s Women’s Initiatives talks about how heroes are integral to the Chanukah story – and heroines are too! Presented at the Young Israel of Woodmere, December 6, 2017
Dec 13, 2017
By Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Shabbos and Beis HaMikdash – Point Center
Shabbos and Beis HaMikdash – Point Center
Understanding why the Greeks hated these ideas: The Greeks were against the idea of “yeish mei’ayin”, that the world was created from nothing because it implies that God alone is the...
Dec 13, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Ner Chanukah – Lighting up the Legs and the Market
Ner Chanukah – Lighting up the Legs and the...
Chazal formulated the time until which the candles must be lit as when there are no more “legs” in the marketplace? Why the leg, why the marketplace?
Dec 5, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
The Molad and Its Impact on Every Day of the Year
The Molad and Its Impact on Every Day of...
Halachic issues when crossing the International Dateline visiting  Hawaii, Japan or New Zealand Crossing the Arctic Circle where the sun does not rise in the winter visiting Alaska or Finland Shiur...
Nov 30, 2017
By Rabbi Dovid Heber
The Seal, the Kvittel & the Arava: Understanding Hoshana Rabbah
The Seal, the Kvittel & the Arava: Understanding Hoshana...
What is the chasima on Hoshana Rabbah and how is it different than the chasima of Yom Kippur? Why is the sealing of Hoshana Rabbah at night? Why the arava?
Oct 11, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Yom Kippur: Getting Out of the Bechira Box
Yom Kippur: Getting Out of the Bechira Box
What is the energy of Yom Kippur? How do the hallmark special halachos of Yom Kippur help understand the nature of the day? What is the meaning of the Seir Hamishtaleach...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Yom Kippur, Tu B’Av, and Purim
Yom Kippur, Tu B’Av, and Purim
The mishna says that Tu B’Av and Yom Kippur are the happiest days of the year. Why isn’t  Purim included? What is the difference between Yom Kippur and Tu B’Av on...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Meet the Ushpizin
Meet the Ushpizin
What is the correct order for the Ushpizin. Why do they visit us in the Sukkah? Sukkot coming on the coattails of Yom Kippur and its relationship to Chet HaEgel Why...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Tzom Gedaliah: Liberating the Soul
Tzom Gedaliah: Liberating the Soul
Sep 24, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

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