Teshuvah and Geulah

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09 Oct 2024
Yom Kippur

One deep and powerful connection is made by a commentator that links teshuvah and geulah in profound fashion. Of course, the existential question exists as to whether teshuvah by the nation of Israel must be done at all as a condition to be redeemed. Either way, this year we will experience a Shabbat Shabbaton, Yom Kippur, that falls on Shabbat. Such an occurrence brings integral themes to the forefront.

A Powerful Connection

The Daat Zekanim puts forth a wonderful explanation to the Biblical narrative of teshuvah. A fundamental verse says that we will return to G-d and then G-d will return to us. This return, namely teshuvah, is hinted in another verse, Uva LeTzion Goel, which makes the redemption possible based upon us repenting from our sins. In other words, the goel will come, our redemption will take place, when we repent from our sins. This logical basis for understanding the verses of teshuva clearly indicates that geulah is dependent on teshuvah.

Must Teshuvah Happen?

However, though the linkage is strong, the Talmud debates this fact. The conclusion of the Talmud is that in fact geulah is not dependent on teshuvah, but something built into the fabric of our nation tracing itself back to the avot. The Rishonim take different positions in this matter and whatever side of the argument is taken, there are ways to support both. But knowing that this argument exists lures one to probe the issue more and discover the wonders of teshuva as well as our ironclad bonds with the Creator.

This Year – “Three” Shabbatot in One

Whichever conclusion is ultimately right, this year offers a unique opportunity because Yom Kippur, termed Shabbat Shabbaton, falls out on Shabbos, creating three Shabbatot. Shabbos is famously identified with teshuvah because when Adam found out from Kayin that teshuvah was possible, he sang Mizmor Shir La’Shabbos. The logic given of why Shabbos represents teshuvah is that it’s a time to contemplate one’s lackings and act on it. This year, we can cleanse ourselves triply, with a Shabbos of contemplation and the Shabbat Shabbaton of Yom Kippur.

But there’s even greater symbolism in this Shabbos. We know that Chazal say, if we adhere to two consecutive Shabbatot Moshiach can come. Here, we have three at once which can be argued to subsume this requirement.


Even the opinions that hold teshuvah is not a prerequisite for geulah acknowledge it as a factor. We know teshuvah reaches G-d’s throne of glory, making it indispensable for a chance to reach full purity. This year is especially connected to teshuva as a triumvirate of three Shabbatot collide.