Yom Kippur 218 articles

Jewish Holidays

Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year is also the happiest day of the year for on it all of our sins are forgiven. This fast day is spent davening and praying that G-d forgive all our sins. It marks the day that Moshe came down from Har Sinai with the Second Luchot and Hashem forgave the Jewish people for the sin of the Golden Calf

Rav Soloveitchik : Yom Kippur Philosophy – Part 1
Rav Soloveitchik : Yom Kippur Philosophy – Part 1
Rav Soloveitchik discusses the dual nature of the powerful day of Yom Kippur: trepidation on one hand and joy on the other hand.  Yom Kippur is a day of reconciliation with God...
Sep 21, 2012
By Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Unexpected Visitors We Encounter in the Machzor
Unexpected Visitors We Encounter in the Machzor
Rabbi Weil discusses themes we encounter in the Machzor including the 13 Middos, Akeida, Yom Teruah, Eim Sisera, Zechariah, Rachel, Shofar Gadol, Chana, & the Seir HaMishtaleach, and how both the Living & the Dead...
Sep 21, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Yom Kippur 5773: Torah Tidbits Audio
Yom Kippur 5773: Torah Tidbits Audio
The Torah’s Last Mitzvot and Teshuvah: Torah Tidbits Audio for Parshat Vayelech and Yom Kippur
Sep 21, 2012
By Phil Chernofsky
Yom Kippur: Symbolism of the Goats
Yom Kippur: Symbolism of the Goats
Understanding the 2 goats (seir la’Hashem and seir la’azazel) and the nature of teshuva as a way to understand what Yom Kippur is really all about in 3 areas: mindset, mood,...
Sep 20, 2012
By Shira Smiles
Honesty: For the Sin We Committed Before You with Verbal Confession
Honesty: For the Sin We Committed Before You with...
“For the sin we committed before You with verbal confession.” We are always apologizing. New research contends that most of us apologize about four times a week. We say sorry all...
Sep 6, 2012
By Dr. Erica Brown
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude Teshuva
Rambam’s Analysis of the Six Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude...
In Hilchot Teshuva, the Rambam lists 24 things that can prevent a person from attaining teshuva. These 24 roadblocks can be divided into 6 different categories.
Aug 24, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Discipline: For the Sin We Committed Through Food & Drink
Discipline: For the Sin We Committed Through Food &...
“For the sin we committed before You by eating and drinking.” In the “Al Het” sin list we read multiple times over Yom Kippur, the appearance of a confession about eating...
Aug 23, 2012
By Dr. Erica Brown
Yom Kippur 5772: Torah Tidbits Audio
Yom Kippur 5772: Torah Tidbits Audio
On Yom Kippur Moshe came down with the luchot & God forgave the Jews for the golden calf. This made the time prime for repentance & introspection. Solemn, Joyous, and Challenging...
Oct 6, 2011
By Phil Chernofsky
Getting the Most Out of Yom Kippur
Getting the Most Out of Yom Kippur
On Yom Kippur God comes down & says: “I am acceptable, Meet Me halfway”. 3 reasons why it is so hard to meet God halfway & how we can take advantage of...
Oct 4, 2011
By Shira Smiles
Minefields: Rambam’s Analysis of the Twenty‐Four Spiritual Roadblocks that Preclude Teshuva
Minefields: Rambam’s Analysis of the Twenty‐Four Spiritual Roadblocks that...
Minefields: A discussion of the Rambam’s analysis of the 24 spiritual roadblocks that preclude teshuva. Presented by Rabbi Steven Weil. Download the source sheet
Oct 4, 2011
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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