The Students of Rabbi Akiva
Is it possible that all 24,000 of Rabbi Akiva’s students committed the exact same sin? Why do we mourn over these students if they didn’t even learn from their rebbe’s most...
May 11, 2017
By Rabbi Dr. Sholom Gold

Mesorah and Middos
Historically, the period between Pesach and Shavuos was meant to be a period of great joy and anticipation, for our redemption from Egypt was the precursor to the ultimate goal of...
Sep 9, 2016
By Shira Smiles

Lag B’Omer: From Honor to Name
Kavod (honor) is from the outside. Shem (name) is from the inside, the essence of the item itself. We can’t know the true shem, only the kavod.
May 26, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

Making the Connecting Knot
Why was the decree against Rabbi Akiva’s students during Sefirah and not during the 3 weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av? What is the connection to Sefirah?
May 25, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

What is Kabbalah? What’s Special about the Zohar?
The 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who died weren’t the only talmidei chachamim at the time. Why is the emphasis on the fact that they were specifically Rabbi Akiva’s students?
May 25, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

Lag BaOmer: Bows and Arrows
Obviously, bows and arrows are military symbols. In this context, they are doubtless a reminder of the Revolt of the Jewish People, led by Bar Kochba, against the Romans in 135...
Feb 26, 2014
By OU Staff

Lag B’Omer from Torah Tidbits
Lag BaOmer is an enigmatic semi-holiday, of which the Shulchan Aruch speaks in terms of “a bit of joy”, which grew to a festive day of major proportion in the Chassidic...
Feb 26, 2014
By Phil Chernofsky

Rainbows and Arrows
The Bible makes reference to the “bow of Hashem” appearing in the skies in the time of Noach, after the Great Flood, “I have placed My bow in the clouds and...
Feb 26, 2014
By OU Staff

Bar Yochai Song for Lag BaOmer
For the Kabbalistically inclined, the following enchanting Shabbat “zemer,” festive song, is shown below. It was composed by Shimon ibn Lavi, who had fled as a child from the Spanish Inquisition,...
Feb 26, 2014
By OU Staff

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Before the Cave Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was a student of Rabbi Akiva, who was the spiritual leader of the Bar Kochba Revolt against Rome in 135 CE, which began in...
Feb 26, 2014
By OU Staff
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