Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Wine: Connection Between Purim and Pesach
Wine: Connection Between Purim and Pesach
Purim is the beginning of the period when one is required to begin reviewing the laws of Pesach. Purim and Pesach are related in a number of ways, but here I’ll...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
From Shame to Praise
From Shame to Praise
The Talmud records (Pesachim 116) the opinions of two of our great sages as to how the above principle is to be implemented in the Haggadah. The two famous scholars were...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
“Shir HaShirim”: The Song of Songs
“Shir HaShirim”: The Song of Songs
“Shir HaShirim,” The Song of Songs, is one of the five “Megillot,” or Sacred Scrolls, that are part of the Hebrew Bible. It is a timeless allegory of the relationship between...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
Haggadah Insights
Haggadah Insights
The Seder night is the yearly exhibition of Jewish education in the home. We discuss the four types of children which make up Jewish families, their questions, and some answers. As...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
And You Shall Tell Your Children
And You Shall Tell Your Children
We are rapidly approaching the night of the Seder. On that night, the Jewish People observe a unique command, the command of communication, of education, “haggadah.” In Shemot 13:8, we find,...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
The Fifteen Steps: The Last Four
The Fifteen Steps: The Last Four
For the previous section click here: The Middle Six In this Section, the Afikoman (the “Tzafun,” or Hidden One) will re-appear, Grace After the Meals is said, the Second Part of...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
The Fifteen Steps: The Middle Six
The Fifteen Steps: The Middle Six
For the first 5 steps click here: “The First Five” Actually, the means of accomplishing the “Mitzvot,” the Obligations, encountered in the next six steps, is primarily eating and drinking. But,...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
The Fifteen Steps: The First Five
The Fifteen Steps: The First Five
The word “Seder” means “order.” It suggests structure and internal meaning. The Pesach, or Passover, Seder follows a definite structure. Perhaps an aspect of this construction of the Seder was to...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
The Four Sons
The Four Sons
Who are the Four Sons? The Haggadah continues the Q & A format in the Section dealing with the “Four Sons.” Here we meet the four personality types which exist within...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
The Four Expressions
The Four Expressions
In Shemot (6:6-7), there appear four expressions of Redemption: “Therefore, say to the Children of Israel, ‘I am Hashem and I shall take you out from under the burdens of Egypt;...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff

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