Passover 658 articles

Jewish Holidays

Passover or Pesach commemorates the day the Jewish people were freed from Egypt and is marked on the first night by the Seder and the reading of the Haggadah which relates the story of the exodus from Egypt

Selected Haggadah Chants
Selected Haggadah Chants
Selected Haggadah Chants: an explanation of the nusah chant for Ha Lachma Anya and musical origin and usage of Adir Hu. Presented by: Cantor Bernard Beer, Director, Philip and Sarah Belz...
Mar 22, 2007
By Cantor Bernard Beer
The Kashrus of Medicine for Pesach
The Kashrus of Medicine for Pesach
G-d wants us to guard our health. G-d wants us to avoid eating Chametz during Pesach. What do we do when these imperatives conflict? What does one do when a medicine...
Mar 21, 2007
By Rabbi David Mintz
A Fresh Passover
A Fresh Passover
As Pesach draws closer, we get more and more engrossed in our “Pesach cleaning.” The Torah prohibits us from having any form of chametz (leaven) in our homes on Pesach and,...
Mar 21, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Products and Medications for Use on Pesach
Products and Medications for Use on Pesach
Products and Medications for use on Pesach. Presented Rabbi David Mintz an OU Rabbinic Coordinator of Psak and Policy. Recorded on March 18, 2007 at Lincoln Square Synagogue in NY,NY as...
Mar 20, 2007
By Rabbi David Mintz
Kashering for Pesach
Kashering for Pesach
Kashering for Pesach: A Demonstration by Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter an OU Rabbinic Field Representative and Kosherization Specialist. Recorded on March 18, 2007 at Lincoln Square Synagogue in NY,NY as part of...
Mar 20, 2007
By Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter
Kitniyot: The Next Best Thing to Chametz
Kitniyot: The Next Best Thing to Chametz
Only five grains can ferment to become chometz (leavened); why are so many more forbidden during Pesach? Join Rabbi Mintz, OU Kashruth Rabbinic Coordinator charged with recording OU P’sak and Policy,...
Feb 26, 2007
By Rabbi David Mintz
Five Cups: Reb Mordechai Rosen z”l
Five Cups: Reb Mordechai Rosen z”l
What does Hashem Elokecha ask from you, but to fear Hashem Elokecha and to walk in His ways? (Devarim, 10:13) PESACH One of the four sons discussed in the Haggadah is...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
Passover Insight: The 4 Sons
Passover Insight: The 4 Sons
Dear friends, I would like to share with you an interpretation of the ”Four Children” of the Passover Haggadah, which I found to be personally meaningful. According to Rabbi Yehudah Leib...
Jun 29, 2006
By Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
Hilchot Pesach: Bedikat Chametz
Hilchot Pesach: Bedikat Chametz
BEDIKAT CHAMETZ Important Note: See addendum from OU Kosher at the bottom of the page for years in which erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, as it does in 2021 and 2025. WHEN...
Jun 29, 2006
By Yehoshua Halevi
Hotter Than Fire
Hotter Than Fire
The ultimate purpose of the ten plagues was: “In order that you should tell your son and grandson…” For if the purpose of the plagues was simply in order that Pharaoh...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff

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